Saturday, July 4, 2020

A July 4th blog: Why do we call hot dogs, well, hot dogs?

Since it's July 4th, and a lot of people put hot dogs on the grill, today's blog is about how they got
their name.  Recently, Dictionary dot com provided the answer, so I thought I would share it with you (especially since it mentions Dachshunds, of which are parents of 2). Here's how Hot Dog got it's name:

Why do we call hot dogs, well, hot dogs?
Some think that people commonly believed that the thin sausages contained dog meat. They don't and never have. This particularly gruesome coinage started on American college campuses in the late 1800s, according to hot dog historian Bruce Kraig.

The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council suggests the phrase, in part, might have slightly more innocent inspiration. In the mid-1800s, German immigrant butchers in the United States began selling variations of sausages, some of which were thin and long, like the dog breed dachshund. They called these dachshund sausages. Over time, the phrase may have been bastardized into hot dog.

A Dachshund
Frankfurter vs. wiener
Two other words for hot dogs—frankfurters and wieners—raise an unsettled debate about where the food originated. The former is named for Frankfurt, Germany; the latter, for Vienna, Austria (wiener is the German adjective that means “of Vienna”). Even the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council says this argument is too hard to pin down.

Obviously, hot dogs do not contain dog, either. They have pork in them, whereas kosher hot dogs have no pork and are likely to contain beef, chicken, or turkey. (Fido’s safe!)