Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Truth: Anyone Can Get a Capitol Flag (dispels Rightwing propganda against Nancy Pelosi)

Anyone can get a Capitol Flag, NOT just veterans
Before you share a story attacking someone (either party), Investigate.   Right wing "news" (The Washington Examiner newspaper and Fox News) created a FAKE story that stated "Capitol Flags are exclusively to honor Veterans." FALSE. That's a BOLD LIE that was used to generate hatred toward the Speaker. At the bottom of this blog is a report from WUSA TV-9, Washington, DC explaining the process and dispelling the fake news from the right wing.    On June 10, 2020 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave a Capitol flag to the family of George Floyd, the black man murdered by a rogue police officer.
    ANYONE can get a flag, and they only have to ask their Congressman or Congresswoman. Period.  Below is the text from the Architect of the Capitol website that explains that. 

From the Architect of the Capitol Website:
The Capitol Flag Program began in 1937 when a Member of Congress requested a flag that had flown over the Capitol. 
WHAT IS IS: Over the years the focus of the program gradually expanded to encompass the commemoration of national holidays and various special events, as well as to honor the work of groups such as schools and civic organizations. Requests for Capitol flags rapidly outgrew the supply; hence, the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) instituted a program of flying smaller flags that may be purchased through Members' offices.

HOW TO GET A FLAG (ANYONE CAN): Members of the general public must contact their representative or senator to obtain a flag flown over the Capitol. The AOC fulfills all flag requests from Members of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. Flags are flown daily year-round, weather permitting, excluding Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

MORE THAN 100,000 REQUESTS:  Currently, the AOC fulfills on average more than 100,000 flag requests from Members of Congress annually, with the number of requests and the popularity of the Capitol Flag Program growing steadily each year. There are special flag poles where all flags are flown. After it is flown over the U.S. Capitol, each flag is issued a keepsake Certificate of Authenticity by the AOC.

For federal law relating to display and associated questions for flying the United States Flag, please read the CRS Report.
Here's the WUSA TV 9 report dispelling the fake right wing news:

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