Sunday, May 31, 2020

Idiot of the Week; GOP Politician Doesn't Tell Democrats he had COVID19, Only told Republican Colleagues

This week's Idiot is a selfish, hateful Pennsylvania Republican House member who tested positive for COVID19 but didn't tell any Democrats. Basically, he Weaponized a deadly virus that could spread among his rival political party.  
Instead he told Republican leadership and they told some Republican members to self-quarantine. None of them ever informed Democrats. Pennsylvania Democrats learned about it from a reporter One week later on May 28. This FOOL, Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin County decided that it was perfectly fine to subject all Democrats and their families, friends and relatives to the virus and possible death from it. TRULY a selfish, miserable idiot. COVID19 is life and death.

Here's the story from Penn Live on May 28, 2020
PA Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-   tested positive for COVID-19, he only told fellow Republicans

Pa. House Democrats say keeping GOP colleague’s exposure to COVID-19 private is ‘unacceptable’ 
Updated May 28, 2020; Posted May 27, 2020 By Jan Murphy | Lewis :

      Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin County, disclosed on Wednesday he tested positive for COVID-19 and has self-isolated for 14 days. House Democrats are outraged that they weren't told earlier of Lewis' diagnosis. House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody said he and other House members were shocked to learn that Republican Rep. Andrew Lewis found out he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 20 and they only learned about it on Wednesday. 

 Lewis, 33, said he has completed his 14-day self-isolation dating to the time when the Dauphin County Republican believes he may have been exposed. He said he is now fully recovered from the mild flu-like symptoms he experienced from the coronavirus. 

 “While we are pleased to learn that this House member seems to have recovered, it is simply unacceptable that some House Republicans knew about this for more than a week and sat on that knowledge,” said Dermody of Allegheny County. He said more than a week ago, with several other colleagues self-quarantining this week, no notice was provided to the people working closely with them at the Capitol. 

 “Knowing how House members and staff work closely together at the Capitol, we should have been made aware of this much sooner. We should not have learned of it from a media report,” Dermody said. 

 Two of those self-quarantining are Reps. Russ Diamond and Frank Ryan, both Lebanon County Republicans who regularly have attended House sessions in person rather than voting by proxy as temporary House rules permit. Both lawmakers’ 14-day quarantines will end on Thursday. Neither Diamond nor Ryan said they experienced symptoms. They both used the same words to describe how they were feeling: “I feel like a million bucks.” 

 Dermody said in the last two weeks, House members held six voting session days and more than 15 committee meetings.“For those members who journeyed to the Capitol in person, each of these meetings raises the risk of possible exposure,” he said. “In the last two weeks alone, there were six days of voting sessions here at the Capitol and more than 15 separate meetings of House committees voting on dozens of bills. For those members who journeyed to the Capitol in person, each of these meetings raises the risk of possible exposure."             

 MORE: :
ON POINT  - I applaud Rep. Brian Sims Who called out this Idiot and the people in the House who also knew and didn't tell others.
-  Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims took to Facebook to express his frustration about Republicans not disclosing positive COVID-19  


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