Sunday, May 31, 2020

Short VideoTour of Sudeley Castle's Gardens - from my book 'Ghosts of England"

- I worked on producing this video today, Sunday, to try and do more promotions for my book about England's ghosts that I encountered.

In my book Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation by Rob Gutro, I toured the famous Sudeley Castle and talked about the ghost that haunts the castle. Also impressive about Sudeley were the magnificent gardens that surrounded it. So, in this short video, I'll take you on a tour of them!

You can read about the Ghost at Sudeley Castle in Chapter 19 of the book. Sudeley Castle was the estate of Queen Katherine Parr, the last surviving wife of Henry VIII. There is one reputed ghost who haunts the castle, and there's a very strange story about her burial that would explain why she's not at peace. It's all in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation.


ABOUT "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro: What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 7 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience.\
      He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS. But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost.
    This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England.
Rob has written 7 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2), Kindred Spirits and Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking.  The books are available in paperback and e-book on

Idiot of the Week; GOP Politician Doesn't Tell Democrats he had COVID19, Only told Republican Colleagues

This week's Idiot is a selfish, hateful Pennsylvania Republican House member who tested positive for COVID19 but didn't tell any Democrats. Basically, he Weaponized a deadly virus that could spread among his rival political party.  
Instead he told Republican leadership and they told some Republican members to self-quarantine. None of them ever informed Democrats. Pennsylvania Democrats learned about it from a reporter One week later on May 28. This FOOL, Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin County decided that it was perfectly fine to subject all Democrats and their families, friends and relatives to the virus and possible death from it. TRULY a selfish, miserable idiot. COVID19 is life and death.

Here's the story from Penn Live on May 28, 2020
PA Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-   tested positive for COVID-19, he only told fellow Republicans

Pa. House Democrats say keeping GOP colleague’s exposure to COVID-19 private is ‘unacceptable’ 
Updated May 28, 2020; Posted May 27, 2020 By Jan Murphy | Lewis :

      Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin County, disclosed on Wednesday he tested positive for COVID-19 and has self-isolated for 14 days. House Democrats are outraged that they weren't told earlier of Lewis' diagnosis. House Democratic Leader Frank Dermody said he and other House members were shocked to learn that Republican Rep. Andrew Lewis found out he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 20 and they only learned about it on Wednesday. 

 Lewis, 33, said he has completed his 14-day self-isolation dating to the time when the Dauphin County Republican believes he may have been exposed. He said he is now fully recovered from the mild flu-like symptoms he experienced from the coronavirus. 

 “While we are pleased to learn that this House member seems to have recovered, it is simply unacceptable that some House Republicans knew about this for more than a week and sat on that knowledge,” said Dermody of Allegheny County. He said more than a week ago, with several other colleagues self-quarantining this week, no notice was provided to the people working closely with them at the Capitol. 

 “Knowing how House members and staff work closely together at the Capitol, we should have been made aware of this much sooner. We should not have learned of it from a media report,” Dermody said. 

 Two of those self-quarantining are Reps. Russ Diamond and Frank Ryan, both Lebanon County Republicans who regularly have attended House sessions in person rather than voting by proxy as temporary House rules permit. Both lawmakers’ 14-day quarantines will end on Thursday. Neither Diamond nor Ryan said they experienced symptoms. They both used the same words to describe how they were feeling: “I feel like a million bucks.” 

 Dermody said in the last two weeks, House members held six voting session days and more than 15 committee meetings.“For those members who journeyed to the Capitol in person, each of these meetings raises the risk of possible exposure,” he said. “In the last two weeks alone, there were six days of voting sessions here at the Capitol and more than 15 separate meetings of House committees voting on dozens of bills. For those members who journeyed to the Capitol in person, each of these meetings raises the risk of possible exposure."             

 MORE: :
ON POINT  - I applaud Rep. Brian Sims Who called out this Idiot and the people in the House who also knew and didn't tell others.
-  Pennsylvania Rep. Brian Sims took to Facebook to express his frustration about Republicans not disclosing positive COVID-19  


Saturday, May 30, 2020

Quincy Sun Newspaper- Article on my new book "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking"

It's always great to get your book in a newspaper, on social media or television, and it's especially meaningful  when it's your hometown. This week, one of my hometown newspapers, The Quincy Sun, published as story about my latest book "Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking." I'm very thankful to the publisher of the Sun. 

About the Quincy Sun (Mass.): The Quincy Sun, founded by the late Henry W. Bosworth, Jr., has been Historic Quincy’s Hometown Weekly Newspaper since September, 1968. It is published on Thursdays, 52 weeks a year.

ABOUT THE BOOK: Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking
When earth bound ghosts have traumatized families in their own homes, Inspired Ghost Tracking (IGT) of Maryland has gone in to cross them over. In this collection of IGT cases, you’ll read about a very haunted Maryland mansion, many ghosts of Baltimore’s Federal Hill, the Burned Ghost, ghosts of two different time periods in one building, the dark things Ouija boards brought into homes, a ghostly attachment, a Steelworker’s ghost, poltergeist activity, the famous IGT “Double Murder Ghost Investigation” and many more. You’ll also learn about ghosts vs. spirits, energy and lots of Q and A. So, come along with us on these IGT investigations and learn that the paranormal is quite active!

Book Review: 5 star: Lois Lane: Fall Out by Gwenda Bond

I recently read author Gwenda Bond's novel, "Lois Lane: Fall Out." Of course, since I'm a
Superman fan, and love Lois, Jimmy, Perry White and all the supporting characters, I had to read it. Lois Lane has become THE investigative journalist today, and she's an amazing character.
  I didn't know what to expect from this book, and the author provided a nice surprise. She gave readers a look at Lois Lane as a 16 year old, attending a new high school. At that age, Lois was one determined teenager. I loved the way the author introduced Daily Planet Perry White, and how he gave her an opportunity to work for an offshoot of the Planet that only covered schools.
   I think that the novel would really appeal to any fan of Lois Lane or Superman, and younger readers (teens, 20s, 30s) would better understand the high tech immersive video game plot, but it kept my interest. It was a great introduction to Lois developing her investigative ways and plotting how she can uncover the truth.; I also loved that she was communicating with "Smallville guy" on a chat room - and the author doesn't have to tell Superman fans that it's Clark Kent, although he's never named.
  Five of five stars for a Good Read!- Rob
Lois and Superman -by Gary Frank, DC Comics

ABOUT THE BOOK Lois Lane: Fallout
Lois Lane is starting a new life in Metropolis. An Army brat, Lois has lived all over—and seen all kinds of things. (Some of them defy explanation, like the near-disaster she witnessed in Kansas in the middle of one night.) But now her family is putting down roots in the big city, and Lois is determined to fit in. Stay quiet. Fly straight.
As soon as she steps into her new high school, though, she can see it won’t be that easy. A group known as the Warheads is making life miserable for another girl at school. They’re messing with her mind, somehow, via the high-tech immersive videogame they all play. Not cool. Armed with her wit and her new snazzy job as a reporter, Lois has her sights set on solving this mystery. But sometimes it’s all a bit much. Thank goodness for her maybe-more-than-a friend, a guy she knows only by his screenname, SmallvilleGuy…

Friday, May 29, 2020

Another Message from Franklin's Spirit! - My Mom

Franklin, May 8, 2020
For those who read this blog daily, you know that our beloved dog Franklin passed on May 8, 2020 at 16 years old. We've had Franklin since he was a puppy.  Within the first 24 hours of his passing he gave us 4 absolute signs that he was still around. This week, he continued to show he's around. Here's how he did it and it took an elaborate series of timing for everything to happen perfectly to provide that awareness that became a direct answer to a question that came to mind on a spur of the moment.
Here's what happened>>>> 
    Before I started my workout on Tuesday night, May 26, I brought the book I've been reading into the room and put it in arm's length. I don't usually bring my book to where I'm working out because I never have time to read it, so I did it mindlessly. As it turns out, I was apparently influenced to do that.
Rob's mom
  On the wall in the room where I was working out is a collage of Tom and I, and our dogs, Dolly, Tyler and the late Franklin and late Sprite. Our friend Margaret made it for us in 2013 (when Sprite was still with us). As I set up my weights, I gazed at the collage and fixated on Franklin's (young) photo. I asked him in my mind, "Who are you with on the other side tonight?" Not expecting an answer of course.... but I got one.
  The book I was reading is from my favorite series, the "Murder She Wrote" series of mysteries, by Jessica Fletcher and Jon Land. It was the newest book called "A Time for Murder." I received it as a Christmas gift from my brother, and finally got to read it. Earlier in the evening I read a few pages and stopped on the top of page 111.
   When I took a breather I decided to reach for the book and stood and read that page and when I got to the middle of page 112, there was Franklin's answer. It was my mother, Norma.
  That name only appears once in the entire book and it was on that page, when I read it at that time, right after I asked Franklin the question who he was with in spirit. I stood there are read it again.
   The context of the page was that 2 men showed up at Jessica Fletcher's door, who were hired by someone to protect her while she tries to solve a murder. One of the men realized who she is (a famous author of murder mysteries) and asked if she would sign a book to his wife who is a huge fan. When Jessica asks to whom she should make it out, the man replied, "Norma - that's my wife."
    The name "Norma" doesn't appear anywhere else in the entire book. Only there, and I only happened upon it while reading the book. When it comes to spirit, timing is everything and there's no such thing as a coincidence.

REYDA'S EARLIER READING - On Sunday, my co-worker's wife, Reyda asked if she could do a medium reading for me, as she was practicing and considering doing readings full time. I agreed. She knew nothing about my family, friends or history. She only knew that my dog Franklin had passed on May 8. My dad's spirit came through strongly during the reading, but the end, the spirit of my mom, Norma, came through and Reyda said she was adamant to tell me that Franklin is with her. That's another confirmation that my mom was with Franklin.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Look at the Science How Birds Developed from Dinosaurs

Microraptor swallowing Indrasaurus wangi. Image credit: Doyle Trankina.
As I continued to read the NY Times Best-seller "The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs" by
Steve Brusatte, I'm fascinated by how life evolved on this planet. In today's blog, I'll examine the science that uncovered how birds developed from one branch of dinosaurs, as highlighted in Steve's book. In today's blog you'll learn about feathers, feet, air sacs, wishbones and an primitive bird discovered in 2019:>>>

modern day bird feet types

Steve noted in his book that some dinosaurs during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods had filament-like projections from their skin. They were apparently used to keep the dinosaurs warm and served other purposes, like camouflaging them from prey. Even tyrannosaurs had them. Those filaments eventually became quills and then ultimately, feathers.

BIRD FEET - When you think about how birds have skinny legs and 3 skinny main toes, dinosaurs had similar feet. Those characteristics first appeared about 230 million years ago in dinosaurs!
Foot of a Struthiomimus. A dinosaur that lived in the late Cretaceous period, between about 76 and 74 million years ago. Struthiomimus was about 14 feet  long, and about 4½ feet tall at the hips. It is believed to have weighed around 330 pounds  

DID DINOSAURS HAVE WISHBONES?  As some of those dinosaurs evolved, their right and left collarbones fused together, making a wishbone- such as what we see today in chicken and turkey. Wishbones stabilized these creatures to hold on to prey.

SPECIAL AIR SACS - Some dinosaurs, like birds, have special air sacs that allow them to intake oxygen even when they are exhaling. It was those air sacs that allowed dinosaurs to grow to enormous sizes, too - by continually inputting oxygen into their bodies. Steve refers to it as a "flow-through lung" and it developed over 100 million years before birds took wing.

Microraptor preserving the lizard  in its stomach. credit: O’Connor et al.
AN ANCIENT BIRD: THE MICRORAPTOR:  The microraptor -is one of the first feathered dinosaurs. This "bird" was discovered in 2019. Here's the story from Si-News Com: 

Paleontologists in China have uncovered a nearly complete, fully articulated skeleton of Microraptor zhaoianus, a pigeon-sized, four-winged dinosaur that lived about 120 million years ago, and found an additional surprise preserved in its stomach: a previously unknown species of prehistoric lizard. The unique Microraptor specimen was collected in deposits of the Jiufotang Formation near Jianchang in Liaoning Province, northeastern China, and was acquired by paleontologists in 2005.  Both the dinosaur and the lizard were part of the so-called Jehol Biota, an early Cretaceous terrestrial and freshwater ecosystem preserved in a multi-layered rock formation cropping out in the Chinese provinces of Liaoning, Hebei and Inner Mongolia and famous for exceptionally preserved remnants of early birds, feathered dinosaurs, primitive mammals and ancient plants.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Worst Computer Laptop Experience, EVER - Last Week

Do NOT buy an HP Spectre x360 2 in 1 Laptop- WON'T connect to Internet
I do a LOT of work on computers. My career job is entirely on computers. At home, I write 2 blogs
(one personal, and one for my books/paranormal stuff), and I have written 7 books (and many more in the queue) and do a LOT of video/on camera interviews from home. SO, I need a good computer. I bought the WORST computer I could have and it arrived on May 23. By May 26, I shipped it back. Here's what happened.

USING PCS - I love PCs and have always used them. I think Macs are NOT intuitive and are wonky to use. I've tried several times over decades. So, since for the last 5 years, I have had an HP Envy 6 notebook and really like it (except that the sound has continual problems and I fix it weekly), I decided to go for an upgraded HP Laptop.

DON'T BUY THIS- I decided I needed a LOT of Memory, a better camera, quicker processing time, and something with Microsoft office. 
   After going through several laptops on the HP site, I settled on one you should NEVER BUY:

HP Spectre x360 2in1 Gem Cut Laptop, 13.3" FHD (1920x1080) IPS BrightView WLED Multi Touch Screen, Intel Core 8th Gen i7-8565U (up to 4 GHz), 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, FHD IR Webcam, HP Pen, Windows 10 Pro
Yeah, this is what I looked like trying for 12 hours to make it work

HERE'S WHY - This laptop has SEVERE connectivity issues. I don't know why I couldn't find these testimonials when I was looking, but there are apparently THOUSANDS of angry former buyers who complain that this laptop connects to the internet for 60 seconds and drops it. That happened to me AFTER I spent 8 hours uploading and downloading files and programs  from my old laptop to the new one. The Internet kept cutting out after 60 seconds (AND it doesn't have a port to connect a cable input, so you "MUST" use wireless.)
   Meanwhile my old laptop had no issues with reading the wireless, neither did Tom's or the 2 TVs. So, we knew it was the computer. 

HELP FROM TOM-  By the 3rd day of spending between 2 and 4 HOURS daily (I took afternoons off that week) Tom heard me shouting from upstairs. He came upstairs and found 8 different "Repair connectivity" You Tube tutorials. We tried them ALL. Zero. Nothing. Then he went on-line and searched for connectivity with an "HP Spectre" and found thousands of complaints (and returns). 

2 OTHER MADDENING THINGS- it does NOT come with Microsoft Office. You get a "you have 1 week before Word, Powerpoint and Excel stop working unless you BUY microsoft office"  AND, the camera isn't any better than the one on my 5 year old laptop. 

SHIPPED IT BACK-  I lost a good 10-12 hours of my time on this laptop, and it is just made defective from the get-go. Needless to say I was really, really, really pissed off.  I restored the factory settings and wiped out everything I uploaded on it, then packed it up and shipped it back.  
  Totally infuriating. 

My brother said I need to get a Mac. What do you recommend?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Video: Feeling of Dread in the Tower Of London from my book 'Ghosts of England"

In my book Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation by Rob Gutro, I toured the famous "Tower of London," and ran into quite a few GHOSTS, and a portal, or energy doorway used by ghosts., In this particular video, I had just come out of St. Peter's Church and it was quite unsettling with the residual emotional energy within. That's because of the horror people learned in that church. It's all in my book "Ghosts of England on a Medium's Vacation. "

ABOUT THE TOWER OF LONDON-  When William the Conqueror built a mighty stone tower at the centre of his London fortress in the 1070s, defeated Londoners must have looked on in awe. Now nearly 1000 years later, the Tower still has the capacity to fascinate and horrify.
  As protector of the Crown Jewels, home of the Yeomen Warders and its legendary guardians, the pampered ravens, the Tower now attracts over three million visitors a year. Here, the Ceremony of the Keys and other traditions live on, as do the ghost stories and terrible tales of torture and execution.
   But the Tower also has a richer and more complex history, having been home to a wide array of institutions including the Royal Mint, the Royal Armouries and even a zoo.


ABOUT "GHOSTS OF ENGLAND ON A MEDIUM'S VACATION by Rob Gutro: What happens when a medium goes on vacation? Can a medium simply switch off their ability at will? Well…not exactly. Rob Gutro is a medium/author/paranormal investigator and a scientist who has written 7 books about his encounters with human and animal ghosts and spirits. In this book, you will read about his experiences on two separate trips to the United Kingdom. England’s rich history and many epic battles have caused an over-abundance of residual emotional energy. Everywhere he traveled, he had a paranormal experience.\
      He explored royal palaces and spent the night in haunted castles. He encountered the ghosts of historical figures including a queen, a prince, and a nobleman; and several ghosts even shared their pain of death experience with him. On one occasion, the doppelganger of a loved one provided directions when he became lost while driving in the countryside due to a malfunctioning GPS. But not all of his encounters were of the human variety: there was also a very special visit from a canine ghost.
    This book is intended to be more than just a collection of personal ghost stories. In addition to relating my ghostly encounters, he has also included a short narrative history of the places where the experiences occurred. After all, knowing the history of a place is key to understanding why a ghost has decided to stay behind. So, join Rob as he relates his encounters with the ghosts of England.
Rob has written 7 other books about the paranormal, two about people (Ghosts and Spirits and Lessons Learned From Talking to the Dead) and 2 about pets (Pets and the Afterlife and Pets and the Afterlife 2), Kindred Spirits and Case Files of Inspired Ghost Tracking.  The books are available in paperback and e-book on

5 Unsettling Pandemic Things : 100K Died Alone, Pauper's Graves, Ice Rink Morgues, Unmasked Idiots, Dumb Protesters

 Burying unclaimed bodies in a NY mass grave on April 2. Cr: Hart Island project 
There have been a lot of unsettling things about this COVID19 pandemic. There are 5 things that have really troubled me during this worldwide crisis. 
 1) The over 100,000 plus people dying alone in hospitals around the U.S., 

2) The visual I will never be able to purge of NY public workers digging a "Pauper's grave" on Hart Island for over 200 unclaimed bodies of COVID19 victims in NY hospitals.

3)   Locally, in Maryland, there's another: A local ice rink is being used to store dead bodies of COVID19 victims because the morgues are full.
Burying unclaimed COVID19 Dead in April 2020 in NYC

4) Inconsiderate, ignorant, foolish people refusing to wear masks (not only to protect themselves, but others who may be elderly or have compromised immune systems). That's more than unsettling it really angers me that people can be so selfish.

5) The armed, screaming selfish, (dumb anti-science, anti-medicine) protesters who don't wear masks and are threatening governors and others with guns, for keeping non-essential businesses closed.  What's even more appalling is that these groups around the U.S. are being incited by you-know-who in the WH. Disturbing. 
     So, when you get irritated at staying home think about the Giant paupers' grave, the ice rinks housing COVID19 corpses because morgues are full, and the idiotic people "Protesting" how to curb the virus and keep everyone healthy and safe. 
  Here are some of the stories >>>

Idiots- white, uneducated, conservatives, protesting keeping people safe
1) Anti-lockdown protesters gather at the Michigan statehouse
Many speakers, some heavily armed, urged citizens to ignore orders from the governor
DETROIT – Hundreds of protesters, some armed, gathered at Michigan’s state Capitol in Lansing on Thursday objecting to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s request to extend emergency powers to combat COVID-19, an appeal Republican lawmakers ignored.
The protest appeared to be the largest in the state since April 15, when supporters of President Donald Trump organized thousands of people for “Operation Gridlock,” jamming the streets of Lansing with their cars to call out what they said was the overreach of Whitmer’s strict stay-at-home order.

2) Laurel ice rink is serving as temporary morgue amid coronavirus pandemic, Maryland Gov. Hogan says
Annapolis Capital Gazette, May 7, 2020- Link
The state of Maryland is using an ice rink in Laurel as a temporary morgue to handle a sharp increase in deaths from the coronavirus pandemic, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday.

The Republican governor said he did not know how long the Gardens Ice House, a privately owned facility on Old Gunpowder Road, would be needed to store bodies.

(PHOTO: The Gardens Ice House, a privately owned facility on Old Gunpowder Road, is being used temporarily to help store bodies as a way of dealing with the coronavirus death toll, Gov. Larry Hogan said Wednesday.(Jeffrey F. Bill))

“Hopefully it won’t be for very long,” Hogan said in a news conference in Annapolis. "I was hoping we wouldn’t need it at all, but it is being utilized. I don’t know how long the lease is going to be needed.”

A spokesman for the ice rink could not be reached for comment, and the Prince George’s County Health Department referred questions to state officials.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Do you drink "Monk-colored coffee"?

As a coffee lover, I found this fascinating, although I don't drink Cappuccino coffee. There's a history to it (thanks to my friend Jacquie for sending). Learn how this coffee got its name. Read on!

The Capuchin friars are an order of Franciscan monks founded in 16th century Italy. They are known for wearing a plain brown robe with a pointed hood that hangs down the back. In 1535, the order was officially named the Cappuccini, after the Italian word for hood, "Cappuccio."

Sometime later — by about the mid-20th century — the word "cappuccino" began to be used in reference to coffee that had been lightened with milk, and thus made brown (like the color of Cappuccini robes) instead of black.

Most espresso-related words are far more utilitarian, by the way — "espresso" means "pressed-out," while "latte," short of "caffe latte," literally means "coffee with milk."

5 Capucin Monks. Credit:
According to, a Capucin Monk is "a group of friars wanted to live a more radical life of prayer and contemplation. Capuchins are missionaries and hard workers in the Lord's vineyard, but Capuchins are also a contemplative Order and it is a Capuchin's duty and identity to spend significant time alone in silence with God.

A Capuchin is a man of the Church. Saint Francis insisted that his brothers be "thoroughly Catholic" and that they celebrate liturgy according to the norms of the Church. There was no place in Francis' Order for men who challenged, criticized and disobeyed the Church or its bishops. The Capuchin reform began just after the Protestant reformation and the early Capuchins were leaders in the Counter Reformation, helping the Church to ' respond to the need for reform and new' energy. Capuchins became the great missionaries taking the gospel to the ends of the earth, with a special focus on reunion between eastern and western Christian churches.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Idiots of the week: Missouri Man Filmed Licking Walmart Products/ and Virus Denier Dies

This week there are 2 Idiots of the
Week. The first Idiot has a rap sheet with the police that's apparently quite long, and now he's added "terrorist threat" to it. This Missouri man thought it 'funny' to lick products in a walmart, as a threat of spreading COVID19.  
  The second Idiot has a more tragic end. It's another person (who people respected) that decided to not heed social distancing CDC recommendations and held services in Texas. He passed away. His foolish decision should be a LESSON to people. 

  Here are the stories;
1)  Man Filmed Licking Products At Walmart Charged With Making Terrorist Threat 
"By Elyse Wanshel" Huffington Post March 26, 2020

A man in Missouri has been charged with making a terrorist threat in the second degree after filming what was, at best, a very bad joke about the coronavirus.

The Warren County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Cody Lee Pfister, 26, on Tuesday after he posted a video of himself licking merchandise inside a Walmart, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Cody Lee Pfister at a Walmart on March 11, per the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
In the video (above), which has gone viral online, Pfister looks at the camera and says, “Who’s afraid of coronavirus? Don’t touch your mouth,” before licking a row of deodorant sticks on the store’s shelf.Cody Lee Pfister at a Walmart on March 11, per the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Cody Lee Pfister at a Walmart on March 11, per the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has warned that the coronavirus could stay on various surfaces for hours or days, meaning someone who comes in contact with something that an infected person has already touched could become infected.

Pfister — whom the Post-Dispatch reports has quite a rap sheet, including burglary and driving while intoxicated — “knowingly caused a false belief or fear that a condition involving danger to life existed,” court documents state, according to the Post-Dispatch. He also acted “with reckless disregard of the risk causing the evacuation, quarantine or closure of any portion” of Walmart.

2)  Another COVID19 Denier Meets a Fatal End 
- This time it was a priest, who reopened his church. The church closed after his death.   
    A Roman Catholic church in Texas has indefinitely suspended public Masses after the death of a priest and the COVID-19 diagnoses of five others. 
    The Rev. Donnell Kirchner, a 79-year-old priest from Houston’s Holy Ghost Church, died on May 13 after being diagnosed with pneumonia, the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston said. 
   Holy Ghost Church’s website says there is a possibility that the priest contracted the coronavirus before he died. 
  MORE PEOPLE INFECTED- On their website, it cites more people who were infected. "May 16, 2020  - Dear Holy Ghost Parishioners, Today we learned that three members of the Redemptorists community living and working at Holy Ghost Parish have tested positive for COVID-19. While the individuals themselves are asymptomatic, they, and the other members of the community, are in quarantine in the residence isolated from the others. All members of the household have been tested and are awaiting results."

Saturday, May 23, 2020

News You May Have Missed! Beautiful Scotland Pics/Twilight Movie Actor Dead, IRS pays Dead People/Deathbed Confession

It's another blog about news you may have missed over the past week. This is filled with interesting stuff including great photos around Scotland this week, a TWILIGHT actor who died, firing someone for investigating them (sounds like retaliation), Country with a HUGE drug problem that you didn't know about,   the IRS pays dead people, and a Deathbed Confession. Read on, and enjoy the photos from BBC 

1) NOT EVERYONE WHO GETS A STIMULUS CHECK CAN SPEND IT. IRS SENDS PAYMENTS TO THE DEAD. When Judy Eitneier received a $1,200 check from the Internal Revenue Service last month made out to her mother, she was puzzled.


Image captionSpectacular silhou-pet: Twelve-year-old Benji Eyton-Jones took this shot of his dad Rob and their dog Juno (a two-year-old fox red lab) on the Braid Hills, Edinburgh.

Gregory Tyree Boyce
2) DO YOU REMEMBER THIS GUY IN TWILIGHT? - “TWILIGHT” ACTOR GREGORY TYREE BOYCE HAS DIED AT AGE 30. The actor and his girlfriend, Natalie Adepoju, 27, were found dead in a Las Vegas condo on May 13, the Las Vegas Medical Examiner’s Office confirmed to ET and E! News, which first reported the death. He was incredible chef and was chasing his passion and starting a chicken wing business, West Wings. Boyce is survived by his 10-year-old daughter, Alaya. The cause of death has not yet been disclosed.

BBC Scotland Pic: Borders patrol: Hume Castle in majestic-looking surroundings, from Brian Turnbull.
BBC News picked a selection of your pictures of Scotland sent in between 8 May and 15 May
  More here: -
4) FIRED WATCHDOG WAS PROBING SAUDI ARMS SALE The State Department inspector general fired by Trump was reportedly investigating why Pompeo fast-tracked more than $8 billion in weapons to Saudi Arabia and its allies and whether Pompeo made a staffer run personal errands for him. Steve Linick was reportedly probing the arms deal because of lawmakers’ frustration that it was carried out without normal congressional oversight.
 Scotland BBC News  pic - by RONA STEWART

Image captionThe Skye's the limit: "I asked my sister Mara to jump to make it look like she was blowing away", says Rona Stewart in Skye. "But it was a windy day anyway and she got a bit carried away!"

5) WOW- THIS COUNTRY HAS A DRUG PROBLEM- POLICE IN MYANMAR HAVE SEIZED SOUTH EAST ASIA'S BIGGEST EVER HAUL OF SYNTHETIC DRUGS, THE SCALE OF WHICH THEY DESCRIBED AS "OFF THE CHARTS". More than 200m methamphetamine tablets, 500kg of crystal methamphetamine and 300kg of heroin were found in raids in north-east Shan state.Thirty-three people were arrested in the operations, which were carried out between February and April.Myanmar is thought to be the largest global source of methamphetamines.

6) JANE ROE'S DEATHBED CONFESSION: ANTI-ABORTION TURN WAS A PAID SHAM Norma McCorvey, the woman whose fight for abortion rights manifested in Roe v. Wade, makes a shocking admission in an upcoming documentary about her late-in-life conversion into an anti-abortion crusader. In the “deathbed confession,” McCorvey, who died in 2017, revealed to the makers of the FX documentary “AKA Jane Roe” that leaders of the evangelical religious movement paid her to switch sides on the issue. The moment reportedly occurs in the final minutes of the film, which airs Friday

Music Video: Galantis & Dolly Parton - "Faith" - Something she taught me when I was a Teenager

I'm a huge fan of Dolly Parton,. I have been since I was a teenager and I first heard her on the radio.
For those who know me, they know that when I was a shy, quiet teenager struggling to find myself (and cope with being gay), I needed a role model. Listening to and watching Dolly Parton inspired me to develop an optimistic personality that I've carried with me through life. That said, her newest song, a #1 dance hit, is perfect because it's what she taught me: "Have a Little Faith."  Here it is:


Official Music Video for Galantis & Dolly Parton - Faith feat. Mr. Probz Out now: Directed by Dano Cerny Subscribe for more official content from Galantis: Follow Galantis: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify: YouTube: Snapchat: WeAreGalantis Follow Dolly Parton: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify: YouTube: Follow Mr. Probz: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: SoundCloud: Spotify: YouTube: LYRICS Faith - Galantis & Dolly Parton feat. Mr. Probz Know the road gets hard And you just want to leave I ain’t ever too far Just have a little faith in me When all the fears you hide Are all you can believe ooh I’ll be standing by your side Just have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Just have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me Just have a little faith in me (Have a little faith In me) When you don’t know who you are I will find you so easily (oh) Don’t you worry, whenever you need me Have a little faith in me Have a little faith in me 4x Have a little faith (Faith in me) Have a little faith (Faith in me) Have a little faith (just have a little faith in me) Let me shine and radiate With your love and light And help me make Any change I can In this world today... Just show me the way (Have a little faith) Just show me the way (Have a little faith) Show me the way The official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Galantis. Subscribe for the latest music videos, performances, and more. #Galantis #DollyParton #FAITH