Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Tribute to Scott Colburn Who Passed this Week- I Just Interviewed with him

Scott Colborn
On Saturday, March 28th, I had my first and only interview with Scott Colborn, host of the radio program "Exploring Unexplained Phenomena." (See below) On Tuesday morning, March 31, I received an email that he had passed suddenly. I'm still trying to process it. If you go to the websites below, you'll see what an amazing person Scott is (and continues to be in spirit). 
  I've been interviewing about my books and experiences for about 10 years, and my discussion with Scott was like sitting with a friend in the living room. He brought warmth and interest in the conversation making me feel so welcome. 
   I'm unsure if my interview from this past weekend will ever appear on-line, but it would be nice to hear that wonderful conversation again that I had with Scott. 
  Losing a friend, family member, or even someone you recently met can be shocking and we need time to process the physical loss. I'm sure Scott is now exploring what were formerly "unexplained phenomena." Now, he can tap the knowledge of the other side. In the meantime, know that he can hear you and see you in spirit whenever you remember him.  
- With sympathy to his family, friends, acquaintances, and listeners. Spirit now has a wise and warm soul.  - Rob 

Following are some things from Scott's Bio on-line: (

The Exploring Unexplained Phenomena  radio program, broadcasting weekly on Saturday mornings 10 am – 12 noon  Central Time since 1984, is regarded as the world’s  longest-running paranormal talk radio program.  Original host Scott  Colborn and guests worldwide have fun, intelligent and in-depth  conversation on the mysteries of our time in a commercial-free  environment.

Since 1998 Scott has been  either the organizer, researcher, and/or facilitator of the Ghosts of  Lincoln bus tours.  In recent years Scott has taken over the role of  storyteller and his daughter Melissa Colborn helps keep him in line in  this fun family business.  The original founder of the tour was Dale  Bacon, deceased but never far from us in thought and prayer.  Follow  this link for more information on the Ghosts of Lincoln bus tours: .

Two of Scott’s favorite quotes are:
“It’s important to keep your mind open, but not so open that your brain falls out.” —Andrew Neher.
“Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest.” — Mark Twain.

March 28, 11 a.m. EST LIVE INTERVIEW - The Exploring Unexplained Phenomena radio program (EUP) with Scott Colborn- Rob talks ghosts, spirits and pets in the afterlife
Saturday morning 10 am – 12 noon Central Time.
Worldwide live, .
Live in Lincoln, NE via KZUM Radio 89.3 FM.
Facebook page: .
More at .
The world’s longest-running paranormal talk radio program, since 1984 !
Free archives: 2005 – 2/2017, .
2/2017 to the present, 

1 comment:

  1. Scott was a great teacher and facilitator of both the guitar and the unknown. That there is connection between all things is something that he believed.The one and the many. I was hoping to reconnect with him after moving back to Lincoln. Just heard the news today. A great man in my view and sorely missed. Travel on my friend........
