Last week I received an email from a woman whose loved one passed away and services
are not currently allowed because of the ongoing pandemic. Since I'm a medium, she wanted to know my thoughts and the thoughts of spirit. Well, spirits of our loved ones have an important message.
Today's blog is a message for those who attend churches, or lose loved ones during this worldwide killer virus.
ABOUT THE VIRUS: This virus has already killed many people and can kill millions more. The pandemic of 1918 killed 500 MILLION people, and this can do the same, unless you act responsibly and unselfishly now and stay home. BTW, doctors describe COVID19 as filling up lungs like wet sponge with fluid, and people gasp for air. That's why ventilators are needed to push air into lungs. Without them you essentially drown in a hospital bed, AND what's worse, is that your loved ones CANNOT VISIT you.
The email I received said, "Due to COVID19 (Coronavirus) there will be no wake / funeral for my loved one. Some of my relatives are quite upset. Wow. Yeah, that is the new norm this year."
My Message: Although they are upset they can't have a ceremony to "say goodbye" to your loved one, the ceremony is just for the living. The spirit of your loved one has already crossed over and is now urging all her friends and relatives (including you) to stay home and stay safe from this virus.
Her friends and relatives should do something from their own home in her honor, whether planting a tree, baking something, praying to her in a silent corner of the house, talk about good memories. The best thing you can do to honor your lost loved ones is to PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS. After all, Spirits want us to live full and healthy lives.
So, please tell people NOT to attend church services, where they will spread the virus and kill countless others. Churches don't have "magical protections." Spirits want us to use our heads and listen to the medical professionals. This is also not a disease of the elderly or infirm. People from infants to 20 and 30 somethings to seniors have passed, and many were healthy. Spirits of our loved ones want us to be smart and to live our lives. To disregard the medical science and advice will only kill other innocent people - and those lives lost will be on those who disregard the experts.
Be safe, Be Smart. Stay at home. Don't go to churches, beaches, parks, or events. No one wants to die early. .. and don't put others lives in jeopardy because of your selfishness.
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