Sunday, April 12, 2020

Best-Seller Status Again!-Pets and the Afterlife 2/ and the live video from Facebook w/Brian Phillips on PETS

I usually don't post stuff about my books on our personal blog, but In the last 2 days, there were 2 pretty exciting things.
1) I had a great 2 hour long Facebook live event with my friend Brian Phillips, manager of the Ghost Pit paranormal group as we discussed
how pets communicate from the afterlife. It was a fundraiser for a dog rescue, and there were great audience questions.
2) My Pets and the afterlife 2 book regained "Amazon Best-Seller status" as it pole vaulted back into the top 100 books in one category on Amazon.
Here are both the book status AND the 2 hour Facebook show...

Thank you! Pets and the Afterlife 2 Makes Best-Seller Status Again

My second Pets and the Afterlife book has again reached "Amazon Best-Seller" status in the Pet Loss Grief Category! On April 11th, "Pets and the Afterlife 2" reached #32 in that category. (Any book that is in the top 100 of a category makes it a best-seller). I'm so pleased that people continue to find the book to help them understand how their pets are communicating from the other side. It brings peace, understanding and comfort to know that our pets will always be with us in spirit after they pass.

Pets and the Afterlife 2 was written to help grieving pet parents understand how pets in the afterlife share signs from the afterlife. The author is a medium, paranormal investigator, pet parent and a scientist. He explains the science of energy, what happens when pets pass, and the intelligence of pets. Learn the difference between a ghost and spirit, and the types of signs our pets can give us from the other side. Read amazing messages that the author received and fantastic personal experiences shared by others to help the reader better understand the many ways spirit pets can communicate. *It is through understanding that our pets are still with us from the other side, that it lessens the effects of our grief.*


Pets and the Afterlife lecture w/Brian Phillips of the Ghost Pit To support Knick Knack Pittie Pack Dog Rescue  
Recorded on Friday, April 10. This was a 2 hour facebook live event and we covered pets in spirit, ghosts, spirits, and hauntings.  VIDEO:  

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