Monday, March 2, 2020

Why I'm FURIOUS with Some Black and Latino American Democratic Voters

I'm absolutely furious with the uneducated and "religious" Black and Latino American Democratic voters.  They are no better than Republicans. 
My disappointment and anger is also directed to bigger underlying problems: Discrimination within your  ethnic group and Religion's bigotry (I experienced it personally in 2009).  Here's why>
  For over a century black and latino Americans have rightly complained about being victims of prejudice, of being demeaned, and treated like less than human.  Now, this past  weekend,  a majority of Black and Latino American voters have done EXACTLY THE SAME to GAY Democratic Presidential candidate, Mayor Pete, who just dropped out of the race because he received next to NO support from African and Latino Americans.
WHY? Because he's gay

MY EXPERIENCE -    As a gay man, I can tell you that Black churches here in Maryland were the most vocal against the legalization of Gay Marriage and they used their "God" as a means to justify their hatred of others. In 2009 during the LGBT marriage question on the ballot, black preachers were out in force spreading hatred and intolerance against LGBT people. One was even nasty to me at a polling place. One of their supporters screamed at me while I worked at the polls and said all gay people like you are child molesters. That's just SICK.
SO, WHAT'S AN UNDERLYING PROBLEM? The underlying issue that Divides Democrats is obviously religion. I learned that in 2009 with the black churches. Latinos also side with right-wing Catholics. Religion is dividing Democrats who are too simple minded to see beyond it and not show prejudice, hatred, and bigotry against LGBT people. It's infuriating.


   The American Black and Latino communities have shown that they will and do discriminate against others the same exact way they were discriminated against. That makes them JUST LIKE Republicans (who hate anyone that isn't straight, white and christian).

I AM THANKFUL FOR MY FRIENDS -  I'm fortunate that my black and Latino friends are supportive, loving and accepting of all people - but they are EDUCATED. They don't believe the stupidity and the hatred spewed by the pulpits of those hateful black and Latino churches that tell congregants to despise gay people.

HOW DO YOU THINK GAY BLACK AND LATINOS FEEL? What's even more infuriating is black and Latino LGBT people have heard this loud and clear all of their lives. Put yourself in their shoes. You could be black and gay, and still be hated by people of your ethnicity (like white Republicans hate me). It's isolating, terrifying, sad, and disgusting.

FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS-   on Feb 25- In SC, Buttigieg faces black voters wary of a gay candidate
 - Discomfort lingers in the minds of men like Henry Baldwin at an evening service at Mason Temple Church of God in Christ in Conway on Sunday.
“I don’t support that lifestyle, to be honest,” said the 54-year-old Baldwin, who is black. “A lot of church people don’t support that lifestyle. I’m supporting my beliefs.”
 Here is an excerpt from March 1, 2020's New York Times:  

The New York Times reported : Mr. Buttigieg never broadened his breadth of support in a party with a large component of nonwhite voters, and one that has veered leftward since 2018.
He came in a distant third in the Nevada caucuses, which drew strong numbers of Latino voters, and then fourth place in South Carolina, where black voters made up a majority of the Democratic electorate. He won just 3 percent of them, according to exit polls.

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