Friday, March 27, 2020

Some Great Sanitizing Tips from my friend Micky in Maine

My friend Micky provided some GREAT tips on sanitization during this time. Here's what she said:

1)  UV LIGHT IS A GREAT SANITIZER - I can sanitize everything in my life with my Verilux Sanitizing Wands I had the foresight to purchase years ago. I have a battery-op one for the car or travel and a larger rechargeable one for the house. I zap my bed, couch, key pads,any surfaces I can't scrub. 
HOW IT WORKS:  The ultraviolet-C kills everything; flu, dust mites, MRSA, everything. 
2) "Wash your hands!" was the phrase I heard every time I entered the house or sat down to a meal when I was growing up - and my mother meant business! I'm grateful I've been so conditioned. I've tried to caution friends on this issue. 
NOTE: in a restaurant, the menu is the filthiest thing you'll touch. Imagine then picking up a sandwich... (eeeuuuwww!) I can't remember the last time I ate in a restaurant. I just never go out...

3) DISINFECT YOUR NOSE AFTER GOING OUT -  Get a spray bottle of saline nasal spray. Take the top off and dump out the saline. Fill it instead with hydrogen peroxide .Fill a  little Ziploc baggie with Q-tips and you're good to go. When you reach your destination - or as soon as you get home from being out and about, swab your nostrils and the entrance to your ears with the peroxide. This will prevent pathogens from getting into your head. And also, regularly soak your toothbrush in peroxide - particularly if you're recovering from an illness as you don't want to re-infect.

4) CLEANING PRODUCE WITH BAKING SODA-  I also sanitize my produce with a baking soda and water bath. It really takes the schmutz off like  bacteria and pesticide residue and the produce seems to last longer, too. Imagine how many hands have touched that stuff before you brought it home. I'm a regular font of information, huh? I consider it a public service!

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