Friday, March 20, 2020

Franklin Turns 16 Years Old! What's it like to be a Senior Dog?

Franklin turned 16 years old in March 2020
We all celebrate birthdays in our own way, and Franklin, our red, smooth Dachshund celebrated his banner 16th birthday on March 18, 2020 and continues to celebrate. 
   Franklin was born in a litter of pups in South Carolina and Tom picked him out specially, because Franklin was not interacting with his littermates. 

Now that Franklin is in his golden years, he's maintained that puppy behavior!  He still likes to be off by himself and usually away from his other three canine siblings. 
MEDICATIONS:  As a senior, he's on pain medication (Galliprant) for his arthritis. He's also getting daily supplements of a probiotic, bladder supplement, Dasequin for joints and cranberry for his kidneys. 
WALKING CHALLENGES :  He does have difficulty standing up, especially in the morning. His back legs are weak, and that stemmed from his back surgery back in 2015. Although he can still walk around the neighborhood, it's just once a day and in the mid-day. He's not up to a morning walk (conversely, Dolly, his senior Weimaraner sister, prefers morning walks, and doesn't like doing them in the afternoon). 
FEEDING CHANGES:  Since his back legs aren't that cooperative, Franklin now wants his bowl of breakfast and dinner brought over to his bed (that he sits in most of the day). He still eats every crumb! (He eats Rachel Ray DISH dry food, with a teaspoon of Rachel Ray wet food on top).  
He's also obsessive about water drinking, likely because his kidneys continue to weaken. Regardless, he's well-fed, eats well and gets lots of treats (although the perfect weight). 

MOANING: Since he was 15 1/2 (Sept. 2019), Franklin started moaning at certain times during the day.  We noticed it was early morning (sometimes 3 am , usually 5am) - which I learned meant he wanted to go out and pee, but couldn't get up. Now he moans 1/2 hour before breakfast, 1/2 hour before dinner, and 1/2 hour before 3 treat time... 
Posing for a Menagerie Pic (L to R): Dolly, Tyler, Dash, Franklin
This is what it's like being in your golden years as a Dachshund! Feel free to wish him a happy birthday. 

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