Sunday, February 9, 2020

Idiot of the Week: Copying a Dumb Fire Stunt on You Tube

This week's idiot is really directed to the person who posted a stupid video on You Tube that caused a 10 year old Belfast, Ireland boy's face to be burned. Why do idiots post such things on YouTube knowing that others will try to re-create their dumb stunts?  Here's the story of the boy in Ireland followed by a You Tube video of an ADULT IDIOT who sprayed deodorant into a fire... 

THE IRISH BOY -  A Belfast mother has warned of the dangers of copying online stunt videos after her son was badly burned. Her 10-year-old boy, Dale, suffered facial burns after copying a stunt that he had seen on YouTube."Got the deodorant bottle, sprayed it into the petrol can. Now the petrol can was empty, so they sprayed it into the petrol can, he leaned over the petrol can with the lighter and lit it.  "The flame circled inside, they told me it was like a tornado and the flame came out and melted his whole face and coat."


Man's Hair Burned Off After Spraying Deodorant On Fire


HERE'S THE CAUTION: You should never throw an aerosol can onto a fire or leave it in direct sunlight – even if it is empty. This is because the pressure will build so up so much that the can will burst (and explode if there is a naked flame nearby). ... the gas pressure increases. more of the liquefied propellant turns into a gas.