Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Hero of the Week: Canadian Oil Worker frees kittens frozen to the ground

Kendall Diwisch, saved 3 kittens frozen in the snow and ice. Cr: Kendall Diwisch
This week's hero is an oil worker from Alberta, Canada who found three abandoned kittens frozen in the snow and ice, and clinging to life. Thinking quickly, he freed them with hot coffee and saved them. Here's the story from the NY Post:

Man uses cup of coffee to free kittens frozen to the ground

NY Post, January 25, 2020

Kendall Diwisch was inspecting wells near Tomahawk, in Alberta, Canada, when he found the trio of terrorized tabbies — desperately trying to move out of the cold.
On Facebook, Diwisch wrote: “So today I found these three fellows on one of the back roads near one of my wells. Most likely dropped off. Poor things were frozen into the ice so they had to have been there all night.” 
The kind-hearted Diwisch used quick thinking to free the kittens with the help of warm coffee.
Then, he “took them home fed and watered them they look to be healthy and friendly. If any friends are looking to have a new addition in their family, let us know as they will need homes. All three look to be males, and we also gave them dewormer.”
Later, Diwisch posted an update: “All three little rascals went to their new home today where they get to be together instead of separating them. All three are eating and drinking and very energetic. Thanks for everyone’s consideration and offering to take them very appreciated.”

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