Thursday, January 9, 2020

Curing a Dog's Diarrhea - RX and feeding, testing and more

For anyone who may not have a dog or dogs, you likely know someone who does. That said, here's a tip to share with them if their dog has the runs and its not getting better. This comes from 15 years of experience! In this blog, I'll share what I know about causes, dehydration, preparing for accidents, food to give and medications to work your dog (and you) through it, and cure it. Read on>>>

CAUSES- Changing food may cause diarrhea. If that happens, change back to the original food. New treats can also cause diarrhea. Note any changes in diet that may have caused the onset. 

A TEST TO TAKE - You may want to check your dog's stool at the vet because it reveal Giardia (and that gets treated differently). What is it? Giardia is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal illness known as giardiasisGiardia (also known as Giardia intestinalis, Giardia lamblia, or Giardia duodenalis) is found on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with feces (poop) from infected humans or animals.

DEHYDRATION  - Like people, if you have diarrhea for a day or two, you need to drink a lot of water, or you'll get dehydrated. 

PREPARE FOR ACCIDENTS IN THE HOUSE- You can buy pee pads at a pet store. Put them on the dog's bed at night, in case there are accidents. In addition, you can lay a dog blanket under the dogs bed and stretch it out, so if any poop spills over the bed, it goes on a washable blanket,

FOOD- First thing to do is cook a LOT of white rice. I make 6 servings (3 cups rice, 3 cups water) in a microwave corning ware bowl with glass cover (keep the cover on in the microwave, and cook for 5 minutes.

The second thing to do is take 3 chicken breasts and slice them in half (to make it easier to cook all the way through). boil them for about 20-25 minutes. Drain, then take a fork and knife and shred it. Put it in a separate tupperware container.

MIXING THE FOOD - Depending on how much food you normally give your dog, give 1/2 rice and 1/2 chicken

ORGANIC PUMPKIN- I also add a teaspoon (small dogs) or tablespoon of organic pumpkin to the food. Canned natural pumpkin is a great source of fiber and helps with digestive regularity. If your dog is experiencing constipation or diarrhea, mix a tablespoon of pumpkin straight from the can into their normal food.

1) Metronidazole - this medication usually works in 2-3 days. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that is used to treat a wide variety of infections. It works by stopping the growth of certain bacteria and parasites. This antibiotic treats only certain bacterial and parasitic infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu).
(NOTE- several hours later, be sure to give your dog an acidophilus supplement - even one you buy over the counter in the vitamin aisle at Walgreens or CVS.  It helps your dog not be bound up.)

2) IF the Metronidazole doesn't work after 3 days, ask your veterinarian for  Proviable (paste and probiotic). Proviable is made by Nutramax, and it costs about $68, but it's worth it! It has 2 components. The First is an injectable paste in a plastic syringe. You give your dog a measured amount of the paste 3 times a day into their mouth. This helps firm the stool..  
  The second thing is a package of 12 capsules that are probiotics. (if taking with Metronizole, these should be given hours later and not together. In addition, acidophilus shouldn't be taken with these). 

RESULTS- Usually in 2 to 3 days, that poop has form, and the healing has begun. By 5 to 7 days, your dog should be back to normal and you can slowly work small amounts of kibble back into the food. 