Last month, I received the following letter from Deanna, and it made my day. Deanna lost her precious dog Georgio, and read my Pets and the Afterlife book to help her understand how Georgio could communicate. I am so pleased that it seemed to help bring her peace. With her permission, here is her letter: ************************************* Dear Rob,A year ago today, I said goodbye to my dog, Georgio. One of the hardest days of my life. I was so lucky to have him by my side for 15 years. I knew our time was nearing the end and like so many I struggled with the decision of "when". I rationalized putting it off, he was still eating normally and wanted his daily walks, we just didn't go as far anymore or as fast. When the day came, I laid with him until he took his final breath. I was not leaving his side when he needed his mom the most. My heart broke into little pieces. I struggled with the guilt that you described in your book. "Did I wait too long? Did I do it too soon". When I read about how you sent an email to a friend recounting your Sprites ailments in Chapter 6, "The Questioning" I decided to do that, too. My heart felt a little lighter. I started to forgive myself. I accept that I made the best decision for my boy at the time that I could make it and with his help. It was right. And I thank you for that. I kept wondering what else I had been missing and made an appointment with a local medium. Amongst others, my mom came through. With her was a young male, recently passed, a young son, my brother? no. She then asked, who's George? My dog. She said they were together. Happy tears. How could she know that just that morning, I picked up his picture, wished him a happy birthday in heaven and said "I hope you are with Grammy celebrating." Then, I told my mom to give him a kiss for me. I guess I got my answer! They told her. Now I look for signs everywhere. Last night while changing into my PJ's, I looked at G's picture and talked to him. Shortly after I thought I heard my phone ping. His picture is my screen saver. I looked at it and the time was 9:19. Numbers that I always chose when playing the lottery or selecting a password. Georgio's birthday. He heard me! Thank you for your books. Thank you for your devotion to animals and guest speaking at rescue organizations in order to raise funds. Most of all, thank you for helping people like me. I will make sure I am one of the first to sign up for your next fundraiser at the Animal Rescue League of NH September 2020!Sincerely, Deanna |
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Letters Like this about my books Make it all worthwhile
As a self-published author who does all my own promotions, travel (using funds made from my books), animal rescue benefits, and answering countless emails from people who lost a person or pet (and found out about me via a radio or tv interview or bought my books), it's important to me to hear if my hobby and all the time I spend is appreciated and helpful to grieving people. Recently I received the following letter that shows me all the energy, time and expense I put out make it worthwhile. Tell someone when they touch your life. It makes a difference.