Friday, November 15, 2019

Today's Rant: 6 Years of Free Service and then Discarded

Today's blog is a rant. I'm saying that up front so if you don't want to read it, you can skip it! 
   Since 2013 or 2014, the paranormal group that we belong to has been giving lectures on paranormal topics (many based on my books) FREE of Charge to a mansion in Maryland. In addition, the Paranormal Group (as many as 7 to 10 members at a time) have conducted ghost tours and introduced members of the general public to the 7 or so ghosts that dwell in the mansion over the course of 3 hour events on Friday Nights (several times a year). We also did this FREE to the Mansion. 
   Here's the catch. The Mansion charged people $15 for lectures, and $25 for the Ghost Tour. We told them that was too expensive, but they didn't change the fees. They profited 100%.  The group received NOTHING for hundreds of hours, travel time, organizing lectures, etc. over the course of 6 years and doing these about every 2 months (less lately). 

THE RUDE WOMAN/SO WHAT HAPPENED?    On Facebook on Nov. 8, one woman who attended the Ghost Tour, mouthed off when she arrived. Before we even began she shouted (in front of everyone) "I brought 9 people with me tonight, and I'm the only reason you're able to have this."   I thought, what a hell of a lot of nerve she has. That was the beginning. She complained that we would not walk her and a group in the dark way behind the mansion to the cemetery (it had rained, and we explained the ground was muddy, there were a lot of stones, and someone could get injured). She was apparently seething.
**SIDE NOTE- I found the nasty woman's FACEBOOK page and she is a staunch Trump Supporter. NOW it makes sense how she could feel so superior and be so rude to everyone.**

THE MANSION CALLS AND KICKS US OUT    Five days later, the Paranormal group manager got a call from the mansion saying "The group's services are no longer wanted or needed.  We received several bad reviews of the ghost tour (Hmmm... I wonder where they came from) and people demanded refunds. So we're canceling all events with your group from now on." 
   I spoke to the mansion manager for 30 minutes after being told this, and she didn't seem to care. That was irritating. We made a good amount of money for them and many people found out about the place. She said that no one complained about my lectures (well, that's good), only the ghost tours. 

WHAT THE COMPLAINERS WANTED - Apparently the people who complained wanted to use equipment and "hunt" for ghosts. They don't realize that our group members sit in a place for up to 8-10 hours and may get NOTHING. Can you imagine how stinking mad you'd be to pay $25 and sit in a mansion for 3 hours and get nothing? I would be pretty mad. - So, we told them about the ghosts who dwelled in which rooms, told them to take photos, do voice recordings and see if they felt anything. Apparently, not good enough. Sadly, the COMPLAINERS won out and the mansion threw us out.

THEN THEY PISSED ON US- People were then notified the Friday night event (45 people bought tickets to profit the mansion) was canceled. The Mansion people told ticket holders that the the PARANORMAL GROUP CANCELED. That is an outright lie. The Mansion canceled the event. I really, really, really despise people who lie. So, 6 years of loyalty and making them money and they lie about things and piss on our group. Tell me not to be furious. 

WHAT WE POSTED TO TELL PEOPLE-       So, we posted this on the haunted tours page: 
Effective 11-13-19, The XXXX Manor CANCELED the Agreement with the  Ghost Tracking group for ALL events.   This includes the pre-scheduled Ghost Tour of Friday, Nov. 15th. Members of the paranormal group were Caught Off-guard by this announcement, and had no previous knowledge of it. We apologize to all who were looking forward to the event, and suggest you call the Belmont for a refund. *This was NOT our decision.** We thank all of those who attended and enjoyed our lectures , tours and investigations and hope you join us at our meetings and investigations on our group page:::XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX