Saturday, November 30, 2019

A Double-dog 15th Birthday Bash and more

Last weekend, we decided (kind of last minute) to honor 2 of our precious canine children because they reached their milestone 15th birthdays!   
Dolly and Franklin in 2007 celebrating their 2nd birthdays
2007: Dolly and Franklin celebrated their 2nd birthdays

Yesterday, you read about Dolly the Weimaraner just reaching 15! Franklin, our eldest Dachshund is actually 15 1/2, so it was a double celebration for Franklin and Dolly! 

Tyler Turned 9 Years Old!

It was also TYLER the black and tan Dachshund's 9th birthday- (he was adopted without knowledge of a birthday,
 so because he is bonded to Dolly, we gave him Dolly's birthday), AND it was also TOM's 56th birthday - So it was a 4 birthday celebration 

Aunt Stacey and Uncle Nathan holding Tyler the birthday boy

Thaddeus and Lyle
(Only Dash and Daddy Rob weren't celebrating their birthdays because they were in August and October, respectively). 

 THE GATHERING - We asked several friends who have helped us with our kids or know our kids very well. 
   We had a 1/2 a sheet cake with all 4 birthdays noted, chips, salsa, crackers, cheese, brownies, cookies, fruit, veggies and of course DOG TREATS!    We were so grateful to out friends who came to pay tribute to everyone.

the big cake!

Thaddeus, Linda, Tom, Nathan and Bill

Stacey, Bill and Will
Franklin and Dash


Franklin and Dolly looking out of the truck's back window: 2008

Bill & Tom & Franklin