Friday, October 18, 2019

AZ Trip #22: Back to the Bird Cage - and a Ghostly Prostitute

Rob and Dan back at the Bird Cage Theatre
In the previous blog, we took you to Tombstone, Arizona's famous Boot Hill Cemetery, where many of the outlaws were buried. After visiting there, Dan and I went back to the town and met my friends Amy and Billy. After a tasty lunch of coffee and Tombstone's best sweet coffee rolls (yes, that was lunch), we went back to the Bird Cage and I met another ghost. Here's the story:

The Bird Cage Theatre is owned by Billy's dad and Billy manages it. So, after lunch we went back to the old theatre to see Billy's office. Billy told us that he often feels as if he's being watched in the office, so as a medium, I was curious and wanted to see if I encountered (another) a ghost that liked to dwell there. As you've read in early chapters (blogs), I met quite a few ghosts already from the Bird Cage Theatre! So, Dan and I followed Billy and Amy back to his office. His office is located behind a door to the right of the bar (if you're looking at the bar).
Employee dressed as an 1880s "worker" with Rob

THE GHOST WALKS IN - As soon as we walked into Billy's office, I immediately got a headache, indicating that we were in the presence of a ghost. I knew it was a woman, and she told me that she worked at the theatre as a prostitute back in the early 1880s. She told me her name began with an "Na..." and I couldn't make out the rest of it, because she whispered it.

GHOST SHARES HER FEELINGS AND LIFE STORY- Suddenly, she decided to share her feelings (ghosts often do that to prove their identity) with me. So, I suddenly felt anxious. She then told me "I always get anxious before working." Meaning before she meets a man and takes him to her bed for sex. She also told me that she didn't want to be a prostitute, but she had no other means of support. She told me all of this as I was standing in Billy's office!
Amy and Billy in front of the stage
  I asked why she was in the office (which wasn't an office when she worked there in the 1880s), and she told me that she would sometimes go in there to hide from men she wasn't attracted to, and who paid for her services. 

    When I shared all of her information with Billy, Amy and Dan, Billy said that "One day a female ghost looked over my shoulder while I was working on the computer. I could smell her perfume and body odor," he said. He also told us that the female ghost pulled his hair!
  I knew that this was the same ghost that was talking with me at that moment!!
The theatre

SHOT IN THE THROAT AGAIN -   After we left the office, we walked back into the area where the stage is located and once again, the ghost who made me feel as if I were shot by a gun in the throat gave me the same feelings again! I couldn't breathe and felt blood rushing up to my throat again as it felt the previous night when I first encountered him. I had to tell him to stop it and he finally did.