Wednesday, October 9, 2019

AZ Trip #18: Bird Cage Ghost Tour: Rob Sees Woman in White, Counts Ghosts

The ghost Rob saw looked just like this- Credit
In today's blog, we're still in the Tombstone, Arizona Bird Cage Theatre sitting backstage in the dark, trying to communicate with ghosts. About 20 minutes into the dark session, Rob saw what turned out to be a well-known ghostly woman in white. Here's the story:
  About 24 people in our Ghost Tour group were seated around a giant table (actually several tables pushed together) behind the stage curtain (we were backstage). Two groups of about 12 were on two sides. The docent then turned the lights out for 30 minutes and we could communicate with any ghosts.  

Visitors on the Ghost Investigation sat around this table
SEEING THE WOMAN IN WHITE - A  woman spoke up who was  sitting across the table from us. She said that her right arm suddenly felt cold. I knew that meant there was a ghost near her. Here's why:   When ghosts are trying to get strong enough to appear or make noises they slow down the movement of air molecules by absorbing the energy of motion. Slower movement of air molecules make for colder air, or a cold spot (Fast moving molecules are warmer air). As soon as I looked over that way, it became obvious that there was a ghost standing next to the woman.
   When I glanced toward the sound of the woman's voice in the dark, I saw a woman in a white top with a white hood or veil who was standing up. I asked the woman speaking if she was wearing a white blouse or sweatshirt with a hood and if she was standing up. She said "no" to both questions and asked me why.
  I told her there is a woman standing next to her in white that has a hood or veil on. People gasped. 
  Karen, the tour group leader said, "That must be the woman in white that people have reported seeing here in the Bird Cage." 
Tombstone's Bird Cage Theatre
  I asked the ghost why she stood next to that particular woman, and she replied that they share the same birthday, and that the woman in the group would be the most easy to communicate with. The woman in white just wanted to be noticed.
   As the woman in white departed, I concentrated on all of the ghosts in the building. I was able to actually count the number of ghosts who haunt the Bird Cage!
10 GHOSTS AROUND- I (Rob) told Karen, the tour guide that I sensed a total of 10 ghosts in the Bird Cage. I told her there were 6 women and 4 men. I had already met 2 of the men when they shared their pain of death- one was shot in the throat, the other shot in the chest. The third man may have been the one that Dan wound up seeing from the stage (you'll read about that next).
   Karen sat and counted aloud, citing the names of the female ghosts that have been reported. She confirmed that there were indeed 6 female ghosts that have been seen!