Tuesday, September 10, 2019

AZ Trip #1: What's an Excessive Heat Warning?

Rob and Dan
I (Rob) took a 4 day vacation to meet our friend Dan in Phoenix, Arizona and we took the southern tour of the state. We had pre-planned the trip to include the southern towns of Bisbee, Tombstone and Tucson and that's what you'll read about in the next couple of weeks. Despite the intense heat (ever day over 100 degrees Fahrenheit), it's well-worth seeing, especially with a good friend. In today's blog you'll learn about an "Excessive Heat Warning" - something we endured each of the 4 days I visited!

WHAT IS AN EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING? - According to the National Weather Service, an Excessive Heat Warning means that a period of very hot temperatures, even by local standards, will occur. Actions should be taken to lessen the impact of the extreme heat.

Rob in the desert
WHAT TO DO DURING AN EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING - Stay indoors and seek air-conditioned buildings. Drink water, more than usual, and avoid dehydrating alcoholic, sugary, or caffeinated drinks. Dress for the heat - lightweight and light-colored clothing. Eat small meals and eat more often. Monitor those with a higher vulnerability to heat, including small children. Check in on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly. If engaging in outdoor activity, take longer and more frequent breaks and avoid the hottest parts of the day. Never leave kids or pets unattended in cars.

WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF HEAT ILLNESSES? Early signs include thirst and muscle cramps. Heat exhaustion may include: cool, moist, pale skin; headache; dizziness; weakness or exhaustion; nausea. The most serious illness is heat stroke, which may include: vomiting; confusion; throbbing headache; decreased alertness or loss of consciousness; high body temperature (above 105F); hot, dry skin; rapid, weak pulse; rapid, shallow breathing; seizures. Heat stroke can be DEADLY. Treat as an emergency and call 9 1 1.

NEXT: Visiting Pichaco Peak

Link to all the Arizona Trip Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3Kd9z8ZjdzN6fWoZ7