Friday, May 3, 2019

Rob's Book Review: A Paranormal Treasure: "Charleston's Ghosts" by James Caskey

As a writer of paranormal books (about my own experiences with Earth bound ghosts and spirits who have crossed over), I've read a LOT of books in the genre. Many of them are about haunted places. Most recently, I enjoyed "Charleston's Ghosts" by James Caskey.
   This book stands out from most other books about haunted cities because the author is also an historian and it shows.
   The book is well-written and extremely well-researched. Caskey will relay a story that has become "Legend" and then he hunted for the facts to support it. Too often, whenever I go on "ghost walks" in cities I wonder just how true stories really are, and if they can be proven. Caskey provides that proof or says when there's no record.
   Since I write books about my own experiences, I am adamant about getting proof of the messages I receive so I have so much respect for this author.
   The book is filled with so many places in Charleston, South Carolina that I think if you are a paranormal investigator, you could spend a week there!
   The photos of the dwellings that accompany the hauntings (one in each chapter) allow the reader to envision the place and get a feeling for the story and occurrences.
Author James Caskey
   This is truly one of the better books about a haunted city that I've ever read and highly recommend it. - Rob