I recently read and enjoyed a novel called "February and December: Dominus Calendar Series," by JP Kenwood. The author is a friend of a friend which is how I heard about it. The book is an historical fiction novel about 2 gay men in ancient Rome.
This historical fiction novel contains 2 stories of ancient Rome featuring characters from JP Kenwood's Dominus series. The stories are well-written and paint a vivid picture of ancient Roman times. The 2 main characters are engaging and interesting, and the sexual tension between them becomes obvious. The stories involve a Roman military leader and a Roman lawyer (both men) whom lust for each other, so of course there are sex scenes in the book. The intimate scenes are also well-done, and are not overly dramatic, but are steamy.
Readers will feel like you're experiencing life in ancient Rome as the author paints the picture well.
In addition, the cover photo of the muscular ancient Roman guy is really nice to look at !
I'm looking forward to reading the Dominus series.
ABOUT THE BOOK: As a lifelong passion continues to fade, another love deepens… two
stand-alone m/m stories of love, lust, and friendship in ancient Rome.
Home from the first war against the kingdom of Dacia, Gaius Fabius
ignores his obligations in Rome and returns to his secluded seaside
villa in southern Italy. Under the pretense of a holiday trip, his best
friend and secret lover, Lucius Petronius, surprises him with an
unexpected visit. Later that evening, the lusty masters share the
delights of Gaius’s blond pleasure slave, Nicomedes.
With whispers of an embezzlement scandal floating through the capital,
Lucius Petronius and his beloved concubine, Bryaxis, celebrate the
raucous winter solstice festival of the Saturnalia with Luc’s family.
After a joy-filled evening of food, gifts, and stories, Lucius and
Bryaxis reverse roles in the master chamber.
Warnings for explicit language, filthy loving, and daft shenanigans