Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Even Captain America Doesn't Support Trump and his Followers

As a superhero fan, it's good to see that the man who plays one of my favorite heroes stands up for true American values. Here's the story:
Actor Chris Evans is one of the most famous New England Patriots fans in Hollywood, frequently showing his support for the NFL team on Twitter. But in a new cover story from The Hollywood Reporter, the “Captain America” star said he “might have to cut ties” with Tom Brady if the Patriots quarterback still supports President Donald Trump.

 Gizmodo reports: Evans has revealed that his boss at Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, is actually encouraging of his Twitter musings and that Marvel as a larger entity has never spoken to him about it:

He worries about doing too much of this sort of thing, about it seeming performative or becoming white noise — Chris Evans, back on his bullshit. He does not worry about saying something online that might inspire MAGA-minded fans to microwave their Captain America action figures. And for what it’s worth, he says, “Marvel has never said anything. On the contrary — when I bump into Kevin Feige the first thing out of his mouth is ‘Man, I love what you’re doing [on Twitter].’”
Feige even added that part of the glee of it all is that it’s actually very on-brand for Captain America:
I don’t see it as trash-talking. I see it as very astute, very honorable, very noble, very Cap-like. Commentary and questioning. I’ve said to him, “You’re merging! You and the character are merging!”