Saturday, May 25, 2019

British Slang Word of the Day: Cheeky Nando's

Because Tom loves British television and there's a lot of slang we don't understand, we thought we'd teach you.
Today's word: Cheeky Nando's

Having a cheeky Nando's means popping in for a bite at the popular chicken restaurant, Nando's, perhaps with your mates after you've had a couple of pints and are having a good time.

Based on earlier meanings of “rash” or “impudent,” cheeky is slang for “indulgent” or “impulsive,” especially with food and drink. The term is seen in the late 1980s and is often used when talking about adult beverages (e.g., I really have to get home, but what the hell, one drink won’t hurt. Let’s grab a cheeky pint.).

Founded in South Africa in 1987, Nando’s is a popular restaurant chain specializing in spicy grilled chicken with locations around the world—and it's especially popular in the UK.