Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Avengers 3 Movie Much Darker than Superman Vs. Batman

Avengers 3
  We just saw Avengers 3: Infinity War, airing on Netflix. What a depressing movie. Darkest Superhero movie, EVER.
     Anyone who reads this blog knows that I'm a huge superhero fan, and favor the DC comics heroes like Superman,  Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Arrow, etc. So, when Avengers 4 "Endgame" just came out in the movie theaters, I realized that we had not seen Avengers 3, which MUST be seen before you see the fourth movie. So, recently, we watched Avengers 3 on Netflix.   
    Here's my Rant; People have complained that Superman Vs. Batman was "Way too dark and too depressing." - Avengers 3; Infinity War is MUCH MORE dark and depressing than any other superhero film I've ever seen.

WHY? The film opens with the total annihilation of an entire civilization  - Thor's homeworld of Asgard. The film closes with the half of the Earth's population being wiped out, including heroes like Spiderman and Black Panther. People who are Marvel fans that tell me this film is not more DARK or depressing than Batman Vs. Supermann are not being honest.

BY THE END OF THE FILM - Tom and I were just disgusted. The villain won. The Earth's population was half wiped out, and heroes were made into ashes.

Batman Vs. Superman
Batman Vs. Superman-  Granted Superman died at the end of this film, but that's EXACTLY what happened to him in the comics in the 1990s, and at the end of the film,it gave a hint he would return (as he did in Justice League). At least there was a hint of hope AND the villain was destroyed.

So, tell me how Avengers 3 is a better film? It isn't.