Monday, April 15, 2019

NRA In the News: Lots of Stupidity

When an organization who claims to offer benefits to Americans spreads lies, harasses people who suffered from a mass shooting, and wants to put women's lives in jeopardy from male abusers, who does that help? Well, that's what the National Rifle Association has been doing for years, and continues to do. Read these news articles and see if they don't make you angry. 

EXPOSED: NRA STAFFER PUSHED PARKLAND HOAX An official with the National Rifle Association corresponded with a prominent Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist to call into question the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, emails obtained by HuffPost show. NRA officer Mark Richardson emailed Wolfgang Halbig, a noted harasser of parents of Sandy Hook Elementary School victims, to float a conspiracy theory about the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where 17 people were killed last year. [HuffPost]

NRA COMES OUT AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN ACT The National Rifle Association is opposing the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act over provisions designed to keep domestic abusers from having access to firearms. Under federal law, individuals convicted of domestic violence offenses against their spouses or family members are already barred from owning firearms. But the law does not apply to individuals who abuse their dating partners. The VAWA reauthorization bill would fix that, closing the so-called “boyfriend loophole.” The NRA has called the bill “a poison pill.” [HuffPost]