L to R: 1995: Chris, David, Rob (at 33 yrs) at St. Pete, FL Beach |
When I look at a picture from 1995 (that I recently found) and look at one taken today in 2019 - I think I look as defined (maybe more toned) than I did 24 years ago. That means anyone can do it!
SO HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? I'm in my mid-50s and I'm not a gym nut now (but used to go in my 30s and 40s). However I do workout 3 times a week at home and do a good amount of dog walking (about twice a day). If you're in your 30s, 40s or 50s, it's not too late to maintain good health, and stay in shape. Here are my "secrets" to staying at a good weight and keeping in shape...
Rob in Jan 2019 |
SECRET #2: Limit snacking. In the mid-morning, if I'm teleworking I have 2 pieces of toast. In the afternoon, just a handful or 2 of dried cranberries works to fill me up, with a glass of water (flavored with some cranberry juice).
Tyler says "exercise!" |
Rob in Dec 2018 at 56 |
SECRET #5: Take the stairs. Even if it's one flight, take the stairs. Every bit helps.
SECRET #6: Appreciate little things. Give your dog a hug, make someone smile, buy a stranger a cup of coffee who is standing in line behind you. Tell someone "thanks." What does that have to do with staying in shape? Mental fitness is part of physical fitness.