Thursday, March 7, 2019

Rob's Great Day at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, Mass.

On Sunday, March 3, I (Rob) visited Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem, Massachusetts and gave three lectures on how pets communicate from spirit, based on my books "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Pets and the Afterlife 2" (both best-sellers on I'm happy to say!).

   Mariah,  one of the volunteers, coordinated the entire event and gave me a tour of the amazing facility. I was amazed by the facility, the volunteers, and the organization and care of the dogs and cats. There are so many volunteers there - I was overwhelmed at the unselfishness and love that these folks show every day. Amazing people. 

  Each of my three lectures was about 45 minutes to an hour long. Altogether there were about 80 or so who showed up, out of the 90 who reserved a seat. There were questions and answers throughout the talks and personal messages shared. Sometimes it was quite emotional, but I got the sense that those attending learned some things to help them recognize signs from their pets in spirit.

  I enjoy doing these shelter benefits, because all of the money raised goes to fund the shelter food, medical care and housing- and people get to use it as a tax deduction!

  I really enjoyed my visit and meeting all of  wonderful folks that attended, and thank the shelter folks for doing what you do for the dogs and cats.

  Mariah wrote me a nice note afterward and said "This was kind of a big one, or at least the biggest one this year. Thanks again for coming! I think people really took comfort in it, and it was also a huge benefit to the shelter! Everyone was so impressed and amazed at how much it brought in!"

This little puppy is a dachshund mix.

The cat playroom