Monday, March 18, 2019

It's Franklin's Milestone 15th Birthday!

The eldest of our Menagerie is Franklin. Franklin turns 15 today, March 18. He was born in South Carolina in 2004. He was adopted by Tom, when Tom lived there, and then moved pretty soon after to Maryland. 

  In December 2005, Franklin met Dolly, a Weimaraner who was 6 months younger than Franklin (when Tom met Rob). Franklin and Dolly bonded quickly and they became brother and sister. 
 Franklin's favorite thing in the world is Food. Any food, any time. He's got a strong personality - basically a stubborn Dachshund personality. 
  He wants what he wants, when he wants it! He's quite the independent pup, and always has been. He loves to make us think that he doesn't hear us when we ask him to go for a walk, or come in from the backyard. If he's in the backyard and we call his name, he'll look at us, and then most of the time, he will walk away! 
   He does like going for a ride, though, and he enjoys a lot of sniffing once we get him out the door for a walk. 
   In September 2016, he had emergency back surgery. He spent months doing rehab at home with Daddy Rob, and learning how to walk and even how to pee again. Since then, he doesn't walk one foot in front of the other, he hops with 2 feet at a time. He was just never able to go up and down stairs by himself, but enjoys being carried.  
  In 2018, he finally started to follow Dolly and Tyler each night when Daddy Rob had them practice agility after dinner (yes, in the living room), going around chairs, through tunnels, etc. .. because he learned there were treats involved!  For the 3 or 4 years before that, he resisted doing agility at home and walked in the room whenever Dolly and Tyler got treats for their performances. Franklin's pretty smart!

   Now, in his old age, he's moving a little slower and he growls when Daddy Rob tries to hug him, but he's the same, lovable Franklin!
In March 2006, Dolly celebrated Franklin's 2nd Birthday!