Saturday, March 9, 2019

Interesting Correlation: Mental Illness, Poorly Educated and Politics

Although I'm not a behavioral scientist, I am a scientist, so I know how to gather and correlate data. I decided to check out the states that offer the most support to the Prez, and then look at the states that had the lowest levels of education and highest reported levels of mental illness. The data shows that there's a correlation to the way these states vote. 
  NOTE: It has been shown that Conservative/ Republican - controlled states invest far less in education than progressive states. That's another side to the issue, and it has nothing to do with teachers or students. It's politics and investment in education.
   Here's the news and links to the studies:

BIGGEST SUPPORTING STATES - According to Newsweek:
Donald Trump Approval Rating Above 50 Percent in Just 17 States in '18, Worth Only 102 Electoral College Votes
Newsweek   Feb 26, 2019
 States giving Trump the highest approval ratings were West Virginia at 62 percent; Wyoming, 61 percent; North Dakota, 58 percent; Alaska, 56 percent; Mississippi, 56 percent; Alabama, 55 percent; Tennessee, 54 percent; Kentucky, 53 percent; and Arkansas, 53 percent. 

HIGHEST LEVELS OF MENTAL ILLNESS -Most of these states are on the list of 12 States Struggling With Mental Illness. This study shows the states with the highest levels of mental illness and states that offer the least mental health services.  Many of the highest levels of mental illness are in states listed in the Newsweek article where his approval ratings were highest.   

LEAST EDUCATED STATES - If you look at this list of the 50 U.S. States and check the bottom of the listing, where the least educated people live, you'll find yet another correlation with those who are the strongest supporters of D.T.  
What criteria did we use?
In order to rank the dumbest States in the USA of A, we had to determine what criteria define a dumb person. We started by getting data from the 2011-2015 American Community Survey for every we state. We then looked at our criteria: % Of Residents over 25 without a degree
We ranked each state from 1 to 50 with 1 being the state with the lowest number of college grads. As it turns out, the dumbest states in America mostly voted for Trump. 

Least Educated States in America
Jan 21, 2019  |  Adam McCann, Financial Writer
41           Tennessee
42           South Carolina
43           Oklahoma
44           Nevada
45           Kentucky
46           Alabama
47           Arkansas
48           Louisiana
49           West Virginia
50           Mississippi