Thursday, February 7, 2019

Looking Back: A Musical Slide Show Tribute to Rob's Mom

When my (Rob) mom passed away in Dec. 2013, I put together a bunch of older and newer photos of her using one of her favorite songs (Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac) as a background piece. Mom is always around  and has sent me signs all of the time. On Jan. 9th, our friend Jeff shared a picture he took with mom years ago, where she was making a goofy face - so I thought I would share this video - since many have not seen it.
    My mom visited Tom and I a couple of times in Maryland. During her 2 visits we took her to NASA, she posed in front of the White House, met our dogs, even our foster dog Cooper in 2009 (who was adopted by friends Bob and Arlene and has since passed), meet Tom's folks, and mdid other fun things. This video has those moments and many others from my family. Even if you don't know anyone in it, you get to see my mom and dad (he's in there, too- and he passed in 2008) were and will always be, very special. Enjoy the song, too!