Saturday, January 12, 2019

Video Captured of a Dog's Spirit (and how we know it) !

This is a post that I wrote for my book's blog, but it's been seen over 1,000 times already in a week, so I had to share it- See what you think.

Recently, I received an email from Edith who told me her Boston terrier named Bruno passed on October 5th 2018. Bruno came back to visit and behaved the same way in spirit as he used to behave in the physical- and he listened to his mom. This video provides proof of that. My thanks to Edith for allowing me to share it with you -

Edith said:  I have received many messages from Bruno, I believe it's him.  The first night (after he passed) I caught his bark on my recorder. He also came up close to me and was whimpering like he did in life.  I also have many videos of what I believe is his orb coming when I call him. 
Can you confirm?

I responded to Edith: That was definitely Bruno. The reason you would know it's Bruno is that the orb (he) did exactly what he did in the physical form. - How truly incredible. 
   Also, because the orb had colors and designs in it, it was definitely spirit. As I've mentioned in previous blogs and my books, if a rounded shape is just white, it's a reflection on dust, or an insect most likely.
    Because the orb came back to you when you called, it was a confirmation that it was Bruno!

To learn the many ways that pest can communicate from spirit, check out Rob Gutro's books "Pets and the Afterlife" and "Pets and the Afterlife 2" available on in paperback and E-Book.