Sunday, January 6, 2019

Idiot of the Week: Saying it's "Great!" That Millions Will Lose Health Care and more

This week's idiot is no surprise. How can taking away healthcare from millions of Americans be
"Great"?  How can  re-instating pre-existing conditions and making millions more uninsurable, "Great"?  How can removing college students from their parent's Healthcare be "Great"? Well if you are a heartless idiot, it is. He said it. 
 In fact, the Republican party has removed the mandatory penalty that made a conservative Judge in Texas rule that Obamacare is not "legal." So, blame THEM and the idiot who calls this mess "Great." 
  Ask yourself "How does this help people"?   
  It doesn't. That's why they are idiots.  
Here are the FACTS (from Reuters News Service on 12-17-18): 


A federal judge in Texas on Friday ruled the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, was unconstitutional based on its mandate requiring that people buy health insurance, a decision in a case that could reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

President Donald Trump on Saturday hailed a court decision against Obamacare as "a great ruling for our country," while a U.S. government official said the decision by a Texas judge would have no immediate impact on health coverage.