Monday, October 22, 2018

Dash's Day Out: Dash Gets Microchipped!

Dash waiting in line to get his chip with Tom
On Saturday, October 13, our city offered reduced cost microchipping for dogs and cats and since we only adopted Dash about 5 weeks ago, we hadn't had the chance to get him microchipped (like our other three kids), so we took advantage of it. Anyone who has a pet and cares about them should have this done- because it puts your name and address on a chip should the pet get loose.Dash was a trooper unlike a previous dog and cat...

Dash getting microchipped
WACKY PATIENTS - A man brought a feral cat in a pet carrier to have the cat injected with a rabies shot (the event also had low cost rabies shots). When the vet took the cat out of the crate she went berserk!   Screeching! Screaming!  Clawing! Two guys had to hold the cat down!
  Next was a miniature pinscher puppy who kept snapping at the vet, trying to nip him.
  Dash just stood on the table and let the vet gently inject the microchip. Such a good boy!
 The vet was relieved!
the outdoor microchipping and rabies shot event
WHY MICROCHIP YOUR PET? If all pet parents had their pets microchipped, they would never need to worry if their pet got loose from their yard or ran away during a thunderstorm. Microchipping is cheap and a tiny microchip is injected in the back of a pet's neck. The chip contains a number and data like your name, address, email address and phone number. You can also manage your pet's information on-line (the person administering the chip can tell you where) to update info. The online profiles also have options to upload the pet's photo.

FROM A METEOROLOGIST & DOG RESCUER'S PERSPECTIVE - As a meteorologist and a dog rescuer, I know that hundreds, even thousands of pets are lost annually when a hurricane or severe storm strikes and pets get loose without collars and identification. Microchips help reunite animals with their pet parents. ALL  shelters and rescues search for microchips when an animal is found.
microchip scanner reveals pet information

A microchip is a small, electronic chip enclosed in a glass cylinder that is about the same size as a grain of rice. The microchip itself does not have a battery—it is activated by a scanner that is passed over the area, and the radiowaves put out by the scanner activate the chip. The chip transmits the identification number to the scanner, which displays the number on the screen. The microchip itself is also called a transponder.

ON-LINE DATABASES: Will tell you to whom a pet belongs-
Enter the microchip ID below and click "Search". Enter only the 9, 10 or 15 character microchip number, with no punctuation or spaces.