Thursday, July 19, 2018

Spain Trip #40:Inquisition Museum Part 2: Torture Devices & Bad Energy

The Knee Splitter
The inquisition in Spain was all about religious purity or conversion. That is, if you weren't Catholic and straight, you would likely be accused of heresy and tortured. In today's blog, we continue to explore the Inquisition Museum in Granada, and we'll warn you, it was extremely gross and horrifying . I (Rob)  was so sickened looking at the devices- realizing that people did this to each other in the name of "religious purity." This blog features some of those devices used and explains about the energy they emitted to me.

FEELING THE ENERGY - Anyone who is a regular reader of the blog knows that I'm sensitive to energy (and ghosts and spirits). Well, it was no surprise when we entered the Inquisition Museum that I was overwhelmed with dark, negative energy. The museum had some of the genuine torture devices used from the 1400s to the 1800s. When I entered the museum my head immediately hurt. The bad energy emanating off the torture devices understandably made me feel fear, depression, and weighted down. I couldn't leave the museum quickly enough, but felt it important to read about this very dark period in history. 

The Saw 
THE KNEE SPLITTER - What looked like jagged teeth in a vise were actually nails. When the vise was closed down upon knees it would split them so people could never walk again. It was also used on elbows and other areas. 

THE SAW - One of the horrific devices used was the "Saw." The would hang people upside down and tie their ankles to trees. Then they would saw them in half from the buttocks down. Just gross!!  They reserved THIS torture for Gay people and Witches. 

THE PENDULUM - This torture involved tying a person's hands raised behind their heads and supporting it from up high.  

OTHER DEVICES - Other brutal tortures to get people to convert to Catholicism included cutting of eyelids, shaving skin, cutting off people's heads in the guillotine, crushing their heads in a vise, burning alive, hanging, rolling in a barrel of nails, starvation, the Rack, a chair with spikes, and a chair with nails all over the seat. 

FAST FACT - It was Napoleon who ended the Inquisition. 


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