Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Learn About Judge Brett Kavanaugh

As two guys who feel it is critical to know whom you're voting for, and who will be making laws for our country, we share with you some background about Trump's latest Supreme Court nominee (Thanks to the Miami Herald). Judge Kavanagh had a LOT to do with Florida politics. He is totally partisan and ultra-conservative.
Not what the U.S. needs.

WHO IS THE NEW SUPREME COURT NOMINEE? Well, according to the Miami Herald, he had a lot to do with Florida Politics, and it was all on the ultra-conservative side (and attacking and preventing Al Gore from winning the Presidency). 

- He joined the Stop the FL Recount to ensure Bush beat Gore
- He was on Ken Starr's investigation against Pres. Bill Clinton
- He fought to have public funding support private religious schools.
- Argued that a president shouldn’t be burdened by lawsuits, investigations or indictments. 

His appointment to the U.S.Supreme Court could tilt the balance of the court in a solidly conservative direction for decades to come, likely affecting decisions on abortion, partisan gerrymandering, affirmative action, gay rights and capital punishment.  

Judge Brett Kavanaugh, nominated by President Donald Trump Monday night to the U.S. Supreme Court, has played a pivotal role in some of Florida's most contentious moments, from Elian González to the Bush vs. Gore presidential election where Kavanaugh joined Bush's legal team, which was trying to stop the ballot recount in the state.

In 2000, Kavanaugh represented pro bono the Miami relatives of 6-year-old Elian, who wanted to keep the child in Miami despite his father's wishes to have custody of him in Cuba. Kavanaugh represented former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in his controversial quest to set up a school voucher program that would direct public money to private religious schools. The Florida Supreme Court ultimately struck down the program in 2006. Kavanaugh investigated President Bill Clinton and was the lead author of the "Starr Report," which chronicled Clinton's extramarital affairs.

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