THE DIRECTIONS GIVEN BEFOREHAND -Before an MRI exam, people are asked to remove all metal things that might affect the magnetic imaging like rings, earrings, necklaces, watches, hairpins, etc. The instructions SAY that if you wear metal it can burn your skin. They are also typically asked to change into a gown. But it repeats in bold text "Do Not Wear Metal."
HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED - After my shoulder MRI, I was led out to the one dressing room so I could ditch the open-backed gown and get back into my shorts and tee shirt. However, a woman was using the room so I sat and waited for her to change into her gown for her MRI. I waited. And Waited. And Waited. About 5-7 minutes later she emerged, wearing Triple metal hoop earrings on each ear, a metallic necklace and rings on about 4 different fingers, and a watch. Uh-Huh. Yeah.
SO, the tech told her AGAIN, you need to remove all the metal, that includes earrings, watch, necklace, and rings, because they will burn your skin in the MRI. (DUH!!!!)
Finally, she took the 5 pounds of Jewelry off and I was able to get changed and exit.
She wins... IDIOT OF THE WEEK!
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