Saturday, July 7, 2018

A Fun Evening with Thaddeus in Annapolis!

On July 3, the heat index soared to 106 degrees Fahrenheit here in the Washington DC metro area,
Thaddeus and Rob
but that didn't stop us from entertaining our new friend Thaddeus, who just moved here from Florida to take a job with NASA. Since he's new to the area, (and I work with him), after work we took him to Annapolis for dinner and a short tour.  

Thaddeus and Tom at the Governor's House
Zoe's Kitchen
If you're in Annapolis and like Mediterranean food, go to the restaurant called "Zoey's Kitchen" where we took him. It has good food. 

Next, we took him to the BEST Comic book shop ever, "Third Eye Comics" where I (Rob) get my new comics every Wednesday. Thaddeus likes Marvel Superheroes, and I like DC superheroes, so we had a lot to talk about. 
Third Eye Comics 

Thaddeus at the Annapolis docks
Our next stop was downtown Annapolis, where we walked around just a short time, because it was so oppressive!  In fact, there had to be less than 50-75 people outside around the Annapolis docks, because of the intense heat. 

Tom and Thaddeus looking at the Governor's Mansion
We showed him Main Street, the docks, the Governor's mansion, the outside of the State House, and stopped for a couple of drinks in the old Middleton Tavern .

The Middleton Tavern 
Thaddeus also got to meet Dolly, Franklin and Tyler, and Tyler even behaved! 
It was a fun night, although HOT! 

The Middleton Tavern,  at 2 Market Space, Annapolis, MD 21401 serves up a slide of history along with regional seafood like Maryland crab cakes, rockfish, oysters, and clams. Middleton Tavern was host to a galaxy of the nation's most revered leaders during the period following the American Revolution. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were numbered among its prominent patrons. The building was probably occupied as early as 1740. In 1750, Elizabeth Bennett sold the property to Horatio Middleton who operated the building as an "Inn for Seafaring Men." The nautical oriented Middleton also owned a ferry that linked Annapolis to the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. 

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