Thursday, May 31, 2018

Spain Trip #10: Barcelona: Olympic Marc and Venice Beach

"Marc" statue by Robert Llimos
Today's blog continues the amazing bike tour of the city and showed us things we just wouldn't see if we were on a bus or walking (because the things are so spread out). Today will talk about  The Olympic Marc and his "Twin" and Barcelona's Venice Beach!

WHAT IS THE OLYMPIC "MARC" - it's actually a statue named for the son of Robert Llimos, the sculptor. Llimos' son passed away so he named the statue in his son's honor. The statue is the figure of a man with splotches of color on him. It stands in a small square called "Parc del Port Olimpic" where the former Olympic Village skyscraper hotel is located. 

WHERE IS MARC'S TWIN? There's an identical statue to "Marc" that is located on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia where the Olympics were held. 

This isn't our pic, but we thought a hot guy on the beach would catch your eye.
THE PRICEY FORMER OLYMPIC VILLAGE SKYSCRAPER - is now a hotel, where rooms are as costly as 14,000 Euro a night!  People like Justin Bieber and Rhianna have stayed there. 

BARCELONA'S VENICE BEACH - If you've been to California, then you've been to Venice beach where bodybuilders workout on the beach. Barcelona has the same set up. There is 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) of beach and part of it contains a volleyball area, weights and bars to do pull ups, chin ups, etc. It was created for the Olympics when they came to town (thus, the tie in to the Marc statue). 

NEXT: Barcelona's Amazing Park Ciutadella Fountain and a Mammoth! 

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