Thursday, April 12, 2018

What Are REAL IDs? When Should You Get One?

Sample REAL ID with star, top right
There's a new "ID" called REAL IDs that are coming to every state. We happened to find out about them because we saw an article in the Boston Globe on-line (because Massachusetts is currently distributing them). So, this blog will explain what they are, why you need one, and give you info to check status in your state. 

WHAT'S A REAL ID FOR? - Residents are not required to get a REAL ID. However, beginning in October 2020, standard licenses will no longer be acceptable as identification to board a flight or enter a federal building. Even after October 2020, states will still offer non-REAL ID licenses to those who want them and don’t mind carrying their passport. REAL IDs will also be needed to enter a nuclear power plant, accessing a military base or flying to another state.

WHEN DID THESE COME ABOUT? - After years of discussion, Real ID is finally getting closer to being implemented. States have been given extensions to get on board. And now by October 2020, you'll need a Real ID to fly on a plane. Congress passed the Real ID Act in 2005 to establish security standards for state-issued driver's licenses and identification cards.
Sample REAL ID, star at top right

ABOUT REAL ID (from Homeland Security): The REAL ID Act establishes minimum security standards for license issuance and production and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum standards. The purposes covered by the Act are: accessing Federal facilities, entering nuclear power plants, and, boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft. More info:

In Indiana, a Real ID looks and acts like a driver's license. The biggest physical difference is a star in the right-hand corner. Minnesotans will be able to apply for REAL ID-compliant driver's licenses and identification cards before the current extension expires on Oct. 10. In March, Massachusetts launched them. Real ID is coming to Rhode Island near the end of this year or January 2019.

STATE STATUS - Find out where your state is in the issue process now at:

MASS DMV NOW ISSUING FEDERALLY MANDATED REAL IDS. Wait time is Ridiculous! The agency reopened the last week in March 2018with a revamped system, capable of issuing new federally mandated REAL IDs and designed to ease customer experience. However, the waiting times at RMV offices reportedly averaged one hour and 20 minutes, with some offices seeing peak waits of up to five hours. That's because REAL IDs cannot be processed online and people have to go into the DMV in person.

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