Monday, April 2, 2018

2 Idiots of the Week: Laura Ingraham and Rick Santorum

It's a 2 for 1 special on this week's "Idiot of the Week" blog! Fox News host Laura Ingraham and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum are this week's idiots.  They are two conservative bullies who verbally attacked David Hogg, a student from Parkland High School, Florida, where the mass shooting happened on Feb. 14. 
   We have so much respect for David Hogg, the 17-year-old high school senior who has become a gun-control activist. He's super-smart and inspirational.
    As for those who bully him and the other students (like the NRA, Fox News and other right-wing outlets)  they truly are from the basket of deplorables. (Hillary Clinton was right about the deplorable people -they're all NRA-loving conservative idiots). Here's the story on both winners today:

2 students shake their heads at idiot Santorum
IDIOT #1:  RICK SANTORUM, FORMER PA GOP CONGRESSMAN - "How about the kids, instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem, do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with situations [so] that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually respond to that," Rick Santorum said on CNN.
    David and Lauren from Stoneman Douglas High School, Florida,  shook their heads when they listened to Santorum's comments. "I just think that it is completely absurd that he is even thinking about teaching us CPR when we're having gun violence all across America... when my friends are dying on our floor is just horrible, I think he is just using it as a distraction so he doesn't have to talk about guns," Lauren said. 
    "If you take a bullet from an AR-15 to the head, you're dead, no amount of CPR is going to save you," her older brother David added. 

Fox News (no suprise) host Laura Ingraham taunted a Parkland shooting survivor in a 3-38-18 tweet about his college applications being rejected. Twitter users hit back among her advertisers.
David Hogg, , mustered the collective power of social media — and his more than 630,000 Twitter followers — and urged them to “tweet away” at her top sponsors to call on them to boycott her TV show, “The Ingraham Angle.”  So on March 29 several advertisers including large Massachusetts companies TripAdvisor and Wayfair both said they would no longer advertise during the “Ingraham Angle."
Left; Laura Ingraham. Right: David Hogg

HALF-ASSED APOLOGY -  She issued an apology that cited "I apologize in the spirit of Holy week." That ridiculous apology only came after multiple companies announced they would no longer advertise on “The Ingraham Angle,”

WHO STOPPED ADVERTISING - Nestlé, Johnson and; Johnson, Expedia Office Depot, Nutrish Pet Foods, Wayfair TripAdvisor and Hulu.  

ABOUT TIME - Companies need to stop supporting BIGOTS, Fox News and the NRA. It's time to hit them all in the wallet. 

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