Monday, December 18, 2017

Tom Gets Locally Politically Active

We've always been interested and participate in politics from a local to a national level, and this weekend, we worked on a local level. This Sunday, Tom distributed notices in the neighborhood to recall a local councilor while the kids and I walked with him to keep him company (and get exercise). I'm so proud of Tom for contacting the folks in the recall and spreading the word about the re-vote this Tuesday.

**SUCCESS UPDATE ON DEC 22- the City Councilor was recalled by a 67% margin, so the campaigning paid off! Although we like her personally, we didn't agree with her votes on serious issues. So, there will be a new election in 2 months.***

We have a recall election happening in our city for one of the city councilors who, although we like personally, has voted for every new development without improvement of the roads that feed them. The roads are already too narrow, and traffic is already very congested, so adding 1,400 people in one place, and 240 apartments in another place will make it impossible to get around during rush hour. 

THE RECALL: It's the first time in the city's history that a recall has actually worked. Last year we tried to recall the mayor but the effort wasn't big enough. Still, he needs to be recalled. 

BOTTOM LINE: YOU can make a difference in the politics you live with from a local to a national level. Get active, go out and vote. Motivate others to do the same. We can change the country, and fix this mess we're in (on a National level) now. 

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