Sunday, September 3, 2017

Traveling? Here are 2 of the most Germ-infested Things You'll Encounter

Anytime we can use a picture of Mr. Monk cleaning, we will. So according to 2 recent studies,  travelers should be aware of 2 of the most filth-covered, germ-ridden things: A hotel remote and the air adjustments over your airplane seat! 

Nasty, dirty airplane overhead vents

THIS PART OF THE AIRPLANE HAS MORE GERMS THAN THE TOILET And you've definitely touched it. By now you’ve likely seen the slew of horror stories about how tray tables and lavatories are often covered in germs. But tests commissioned by Travel Math revealed there’s one fixture laden with bacteria that you might not have even thought of: the overhead air vent, which you have to touch to adjust. 

Put hotel tv remotes in a baggie
THE FILTHY HOTEL TV REMOTE CONTROL- The one thing that people use all the time in a hotel is the TV remote. We're sure that they are never wiped down with alcohol, and who knows how many times people have used the bathroom, didn't wash their hands and then touched the remote? Eeeeewwww!!
 - AARP Magazine recommends packing a clear sandwich bag and putting the remote in it to use it - if you're a germophobe. Otherwise, wash your hands after using it before you eat. Yuck!