Sunday, September 17, 2017

Part 3 of Goofy Signs

This is Part 3 of Goofy Signs. We've seen some mis-spelled signs and dumb signs wherever we're traveled, and this blog will share a couple of goofy signs found by others. Hope the give you a good laugh. Either that, or you'll just shake your head in disbelief!
1) It must have been somewhat difficult to put this sign up... unless it was done by a diver!

2) A good thing to know when you're buying a house... that it doesn't come with an invisible roomate (it's not haunted).

3) We can only think that the tests in this school are a pain in the ass. :) It's funny how some things just don't translate well. 

4) Apparently Josh is a good guy to know when it comes to preventing forest fires!