Thursday, August 3, 2017

Home Project! Desk Assembly

Dolly gives Tom a kiss for assembling the desk
Today's blog is about a project for our home office/TV room. Last week I wrote about a home project that we did in the  kitchen. 
  We decided that the desk that I've been using to telework for several years was getting weathered and worn, so we found a new desk. 
Tyler says that Daddy Tom's work passed inspection
  I (Rob) carried the box to the 2nd floor home office space and that was the extent of my contribution. (Yes, I still work out, so I can carry it!). Tom spent a while building the desk and our dogs, Dolly (who gave him a kiss), Franklin and Tyler looked on to ensure he did it correctly. 
Dolly, Franklin and Tyler ensuring the desk is coming together
  Tyler gave Tom's work a passing grade.
    The work space I'm in is small, but because it's upstairs, it's bright so it's the perfect place for a desk. We have skylights in the ceiling and windows on two other sides. It's really a cool corner of a room to work in because
Franklin found the desk comfortable, too!
there's so much natural light. 

   It's always nice to have a new desk. Franklin agreed with that sentiment, because as soon as we put it in place, he crawled under it and took a nap!