Thursday, August 17, 2017

Home Building: What is Butt Glazing for Glass?

Example of butt glazing on glass
Recently at work, Tom had to explain how to seal two panes of glass in a process called "butt

glazing." During the meeting several people snickered and giggled, and didn't listen to the explanation of the process, then of course, questioned what it meant. Nothing like dealing with juveniles.  Of course, if you've got your mind in the gutter, we don't want to know what you think "butt glazing" means.
  For those who want to know what it really means, and don't know how to do this process, here's the explanation and a short video of the glazing procedure.

What is butt glazing?
Butt glazing is an installation where the glass is retained at the head and sill, with no
This is NOT butt glazing, it's butt showing
structural support on the vertical edges. In exterior applications, the vertical joints between the glass panes are typically weather-sealed with silicone. In interior applications, the vertical joints may feature exposed edges, often requiring a glass edge specification.