Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Quebec Blog #34: Morrin the Prison, Odd Hanging Events and a Ghost!

hallway into isolation cells
In today's blog about our Quebec City trip, we're going to examine the third function of the Morrin Center: as a prison. Visitors will tour the empty cells,  learn about the life of its prisoners and read about the odd hanging events.

MORRIN THE PRISON -  known as the Quebec City Common Gaol (1808 – 1867).” This is one of the oldest prisons in Québec, part of which still exists in the heart of the building. 

PRISONER FACTS - Morrin served as a prison from 1808 to 1867. It held 300 prisoners over that period and always had at least 154  prisoners at any one time. It was built as a "common jail." The murderers were housed on the first floor, people in debt were housed on the 4th floor. 

Former cells, now museum displays

hallway into another  room

CLEANER THAN CITIZENS - Here's an oddity: prisoners washed once a week (to prevent disease), while the average citizen in the 1800s washed just 4 times a year!

ODD PUBLIC HANGING SPECTACLES - 16 prisoners were hung at the Morrin Center. They were also publicly whipped.
We learned that each time a hanging was carried out, they were done outside and the public was "invited." People came to see the hanging, and even brought children! There were even musicians that played during the hanging events. How bizarre. The last person that hanged was named John, who was only 23. He was hanged for murder. 

Area where we sensed a ghost 
GHOST ON THE FIRST FLOOR - As we began the tour on the first floor, I (Rob) suddenly got dizzy in the corner of a room near a case with a big ledger. The ledger had the names of all of the prisoners. Tom and I also sensed a portal, which is an area or doorway of energy the goes from one part of the structure to another. It's a means for ghosts to move around. I also suddenly got a sharp pain in my right ear, which was a sign from a ghost that lingers there that had a bad ear infection before he passed. 

NEXT: Morrin's Famous Prisoners, Isolation Cells and Another Ghost!