Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Final Quebec City Blog #38: Miscellaneous Photos

A big outside glass clock
A typical historic home marker
A look down an alleyway
It's finally here! The last blog about our May 2017 trip to Quebec, and it only took 38 blogs to give you the tour and see the sights that we saw in 5 days. There was a lot packed into each day, and we hope you've enjoyed the blogs. Here are some pictures of miscellaneous things that didn't fit into any one specific blog. 

Thanks for taking the trip with us, via this blog. We hope you learned something about old Quebec City and are inspired to take your own trip there!

A look at the University of Laval (with flag)

An old home
Quebec City Hall, Upper Town

A mural from dog exhibit in Museum of Civilization

Lower Town

The Price Building towers over most of the town

Statue dedicated to lumberjacks
fire hose room in Chateau Frontenac