Monday, May 1, 2017

Ruthie Visit Part 4: A Ghostly Feeling in Poe's Baltimore Row House

In Ruthie Visit Part 4: we'll explain about our weird ghostly feelings in Poe's Baltimore Row House. Since all three of us are mediums, which means we can get messages from people who passed, or sense energies in places from people who lived there in the past, Poe's house had an interesting attraction that others couldn't experience, but we did.
Rob, Ruthie and Tom investigating
First, you need to know that there are two types of energy from people who passed. 
1) Residual Haunt - that is, an emotional thumbprint left in a place, from people who lived in a place. It could be happy energy from good times, or bad energy from a traumatic life or event.
Edgar Allen Poe and Black Cat
2) Interactive Haunt - This is actually an Earth-bound ghost that interact with the living and communicate through moving things, cold spots, noises, etc.

Ruthie got an impression of Poe burning papers in this fireplace
GHOSTLY HEADACHE TIME!  - The energies at the Poe house were residual in nature. There was no actual ghost there, but the energy DID hurt! In fact, there was nothing on the first floor of the house but when we walked up to the second floor, and went in the front room, both Tom and Rob got searing headaches from residual energy. Ruthie also felt it, too, and she actually saw an image of Poe himself tossing papers into the fireplace.
A bedroom in the Poe House