Wednesday, May 31, 2017

"Ps" In the News: Pink Pineapples and Political Pinheads

It's a Double-blog with short topics related to the letter "P": New Pink Pineapples and a Political

1)  Pink Pineapples Are Here!!
Pink pineapples are called Rose Gold pineapples ― as Del Monte refers to them ― and they will actually taste sweeter than a typical pineapple . You’ll know you’re buying one of these new pineapples when you see a tag that says “extra sweet pink flesh pineapple.”
   The FDA approved the safety of this genetically modified fruit for sale in the U.S. back in December 2016. We haven’t seen them at the supermarket yet. The FDA assures that it’s perfectly safe. The way these pineapples were modified to stay pink, the FDA explains, was that they were “genetically engineered to produce lower levels of the enzymes already in conventional pineapple that convert the pink pigment lycopene to the yellow pigment beta carotene. Lycopene is the pigment that makes tomatoes red and watermelons pink, so it is commonly and safely consumed.”

2) Political Pinhead: Education Secretary Won't Stand Against Discrimination
   This makes sense, given whom appointed Ms. DeVos, but still the same, it's appalling. 

Mass. Rep. Katherine Clark has made combatting discrimination in private schools one of her top priorities in Congress, and during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing last week she asked if the Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos would stand against LGBT discrimination. Clark cited a private religious school in Indiana that receives state voucher funds. The school explicitly says it may reject students from LGBT families. Clark asked if DeVos would withhold federal funds from such discriminatory schools.    DeVos would NOT answer the question and kept side-stepping an answer until Rep. Clark's time was up.
  It's appalling that someone who is in charge of the nation's education system will not stand for the rights of students. (It's going to be a long, difficult 3 1/2 more years).

WATCH the 5 minute video here: 