Saturday, April 22, 2017

We March for Science! Why it's Important

Franklin, Dolly and Tyler are standing up for science
It's Science Saturday  and We Stand for Science.
  As a meteorologist, I (Rob) can tell you that weather science (including satellites, radar, field missions, weather stations, and personnel) have saved a LOT of lives. (in 1900 when there were no such things a hurricane killed 8,000 people in Galveston, Texas).
    Hope you are standing up for the importance of science. 
THINK ABOUT THIS - Think it about how important it is when you check the weather daily (and get tornado, flood, hurricane warnings), drink clean water, take medication or get your flu vaccine. Those are just a few of millions of examples how science benefits us.

BTW- This week We had a Tropical Storm (Arlene) in the Atlantic a Month and a Half before Hurricane season- WHY? Climate Change is a REALITY.

Tropical Storm Arlene in Atlantic 4-22-17 Credit: NOAA
Hundreds of Marches Around the World 
- Today, Earth Day, April 22, there are hundreds of marches happening around the world. Scientists and their supporters were urged to turn out in force in London as well as other marches in France, Ireland, Finland, Germany, Portugal, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the U.S.  Here in the U.S., though, preserving, believing and funding science is in the forefront. 
Demonstrators push forward Saturday in Chicago's March for Science. Cr: CNN
CNN said "But many messages were leveled at Trump and his party, which holds majorities in Congress. Scientists have raised alarms over Trump's budget blueprint, which would cut $12.6 billion from the Department of Health and Human Services, including $5.8 billion from the National Institutes of Health alone.  With the White House in view, protesters held signs with messages such as "In peer review we trust" and "It's the environment, stupid."